Chapter 10: Ignorance Is Bliss

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Aria sat in her study reading scrolls sent to her when she heard a knock. The princess looked up to see her father standing in the doorway with a smile.

"It's quiet," Svern says.

"That it is," Aria replies "the knights all went somewhere at Zero's command."

"I don't know what that kid sees in the outside world," Svern sighs "there's nothing exciting out there. It's all danger and curses, nothing the royal family should be exposed to."

"Once upon a time, it was a life you lived father." Aria points out "Adventuring and looking for the next enemy."

"That was back when Ninjago was founded Ari," Svern says as he walks over and stands in front of her desk "back when I was younger."

"You still have a young soul daddy," Aria giggles.

"I'm older then Garmadon," Svern chuckles "but nobody would believe it."

"How are you not sick of the palace?" Aria questions "Your life use to be so thrilling; I loved all the stories I was told as a little girl. A world full of adventure is out there."

"It's not a world I want my child in," Svern tells her gently as he placed his hand on top of her head "I've been there, I've been where you are. I longed to see the world outside my home, and it was the worst mistake I made."

"...what happened?" Aria questions curiously.

"It's a thing of the past," Svern waves his hand "I can rest easy knowing you're safe."


"You're doing a good job in your studies," Svern tells her with a smile, wanting to move on from the topic. "I hope you keep doing well."

"Of course, father." Aria responds with a sad smile.

Svern leaves the room as Aria sighs and looks back down at the scroll. Days later, Aria was walking down the corridor with Marry when they came across the head maid with a new girl, looking to be as young as 14.

"Greetings to the star of the empire," the head maid bows to her.

The head maid gives the new girl a look and she quickly bowed as well.

"Who is this, Charlotte?" Aria asks with a smile.

"This is Harumi," the head maid Charlotte introduces "Prince Zero brought her in from his last expedition. The poor child lost her parents, so the prince took pity on her. She will be a new maid starting from today."

"I see," Aria says before turning to her "the maids are all very kind people. You are in good hands."

"Thank you, princess." Harumi replies.

The head maid bows once again before Aria turns and walks away from the two of them, Marry following.

"Marry, please bring my books to my study." Aria instructs.

"Yes, your highness," Marry replies "Where are you off to?"

"Just to visit the white knights," Aria tells her with a smile.

Mary bows before turning and heading to the study while Aria goes out to the training yard. Kaname and Hanabusa were sparring together, the other knights and Zero were nowhere to be seen.

"Hey!" Aria calls out to them.

Hanabusa and Kaname stopped sparring and ran up to the fence.

"Well, isn't it the prettiest princess in the empire," Hanabusa greets.

"I'm the only princess in the empire," Aria responds crossing her arms.

Hanabusa laughs as Kaname places his sword over his shoulders.

"You've come here for a reason," Kaname states, ignoring Hanabusa.

"I have, Harumi, who is she?" Aria asks, getting straight to the point.

"Oh, you met her," Hanabusa says "she's an orphan we found while out-"

"Liar," Aria gives him an annoyed look.

"He is not your highness," Kaname tells her "She truly is an orphan the prince brought back."

Aria raises her eyebrow in suspicion "That's not like my brother."

"Ah yes, it's not." Kaname replies as he turns around.

"We have to get back to training," Hanabusa laughs nervously.

Aria growls in annoyance as she turns around to see Zero in the distance. The only reason her knights would leave suddenly.

"Do you mind?" Aria questions annoyedly.

"The white knights are not your playmates," Zero says harshly "find someone else to keep you company."

"What happened out there?" Aria asks, "You never leave in a hurry."

"It's none of your business," Zero replies "you're here to look pretty and keep your mouth shut. After all, curiosity kills the cat sister."

"...whatever," Aria responds not wanting to argue.

Zero watches as Aria walks away from the field and back inside the palace.

"Still a dick," Hanabusa mutters.

"50 laps!" Zero shouts at him.

"Come on!" Hanabusa whines.

That night Svern sat inside his room staring at a portrait on the wall.

"You're watching me now aren't you," Svern mutters "my wife."

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