Chapter 14: The Missing Princess

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Almost a year had passed since the final battle and the opening of Wu's Academy. Kai's class watched clips of the Final Battle from an old film reel.

"The ultimate battle. The battle that would end all battles. It feels like ages ago. After the Golden Ninja defeated the Overlord, much of Ninjago City was in ruin. It was a time to reflect on our past and build for our future."

"Ninjago City soon became New Ninjago City. And it became the center of great technological advancements. But without an enemy to fight, the age of the Ninja came to an end and the balance of light and dark once again was kept"

The scene switches to a bathroom where Jay is seen holding a camera in a mirror reflection while Kai is heard singing. The singing stops and Kai is shown taking a shower, he finally noticed Jay "Hey! How about a little privacy, you-? "

The clip stops as Kai runs to the projector "Whoa! This isn't supposed to be in here. Lights please!"

Students begin giggling as he can't turn off the projector.

"Ugh! Seriously? " Kai complains

A student ran in "Come quick! Mr. Zane's on the fritz!"

Kai and his students ran out of the room. In Zane's class, students are laughing as Zane is shorting out.

"What's going on here?" Cole asks as he came in

"Brad got an ultra-remote from New Ninjago City and its controlling Mr. Zane" A student replies

Cole smashes the remote, and Zane stops.

"Mr. Cole is the worst" A kid complains

"I heard that" Cole growled.

A bell rings and the kids run out, bumping Cole out of the way.

"Ah, recess." Cole lets out a breath "My favorite time."

Kai and the ninja head to the teacher's lounge.

Jay sighs in annoyance "All right! Who took my pudding cup? My name was clearly written on it"

"I didn't see "Motor Mouth" on it" Cole says as he finishes the pudding.

"I'm telling the headmaster!" Jay complains

"Leave me out of it. I'm on break, too" Wu calls out from the next room

"Relax, Jay, you can have mine" Kai says throwing his to Jay

"But this isn't cold" Jay whines before Zane flips a switch in his arm and freezes the cup "Oh, give me" he shoves a spoonful in his mouth and smiles "Mm." He turns to the others "Is anyone else chapped that Lloyd gets to be the Golden Ninja and fly around accepting awards while we're stuck here being teachers with no powers? Ah. I miss our elemental weapons."

Cole sighs as he tosses the cup away and looks down at a letter he received. Kai and Zane look at each other with a concerned look before turning back to Cole. Cole lets out a growl of frustration before throwing the letter with the royal seal into the trash.

"No luck I'm guessing," Kai says.

"It's been over a year!" Cole looks down at the floor "How can they not find her?!"

A year ago, Aria mysteriously disappeared one night. Svern deployed every knight and police on a search throughout the empire for months, nobody found her, not even a clue. To this day, the princess was still missing.

"I'm going crazy with worry," Cole sighs "how could my cousin just go missing? She's the princess of Ninjago, it's hard to hide someone like that."

"I'm sure she's alright Cole," Jay says

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