Chapter 186

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Chapter 186

Zeri's gaze remained downcast, unable to make eye contact with Karuna.

"Why are you... doing this to me... why..."


Gyeongtaek clenched his teeth at Zeri's brazen demeanor.

"How could you be so shameless when you hunted transferees like that?!"

"Ah... is this about the dead transferees? Your party members were among them, weren't they? They weren't particularly strong, but... I'll make it up to you! I'll compensate, okay? Then everything will be fine, right?"

"Compensate? Compensate?!" Gyeongtaek shouted.

Gyeongtaek raised his hand as if he were about to strike her, but his party members quickly grabbed his arms and prevented him.

Zeri seemed completely perplexed by his reaction, as if she couldn't comprehend why he was so upset when she was offering compensation for their losses.

Seol looked down at her.

"Lian Kuruos. Why did you turn him into a shadow?"

"Lian? Ah, that headache... is this really because of some shadow that can't even be sold? You should have just told me! I'll give him to you for free!"

"No, I am asking about the details. Why did you turn Lian into a shadow?"

Zeri thought quickly, searching for an answer that might spare her life.

However, the words she ultimately chose only weighed heavier on Seol's heart.

"B-Because wandering adventurers don't go for much... and no one looks for them..."

"He had a place to return to."

"Really? I didn't know. That's a shame. So, how much? Huh? I'll compensate."

As the Profiteer continued to offer deal after deal, Seol posed a question.

"How much do you think it will cost you?"

Sensing the danger, Zeri hesitated to respond.

However, before she could utter a word, Seol made another request.

"Tell me everything you know about the Church of Eternal Life."

"About... the Church of Eternal Life?"


"Will you let me live if I do?"

"No," coldly responded Seol. "I won't."


Her death was already inevitable.

Seol regarded her as if she were already dead, like a fly that could be swatted away with a flick of his hand.

Zeri did not want to die.

However, no method to escape this hell came to her mind.

Zeri had to buy time.

"Wh-what do you know about the Church of Eternal Life?" asked Zeri.

"A cult with their leader as the central pillar."

"You're not wrong, but... then I'll explain things from the start, okay?"

Zeri thought that it was a relief.

The more she could divulge about the cult, the longer she might keep her life. This could provide for more openings and a chance for Seras to intervene on her behalf.

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