Chapter 145

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Chapter 145

"Wh-what the hell is that?"

"Open the gate! Open the gate!"

The Black Knight appeared even more terrifying than before.

Sensing something ominous, the transferees screamed and attempted to distance themselves from the Black Knight as much as possible.

[Fear is fun! Fear is delightful! I'll eat you all!]


[Are you still going to stop me, human?]


Seol took the unseemly stance that Toki had taught him.

However, in this moment, that unseemly stance appeared menacing.

"You talk a lot for an Abomination."

[I've made a decision. I'll eat your blood first!]


Unlike before, the Black Knight engaged Seol in hand-to-hand combat, not using his sword.


Seol managed to block the Black Knight's fist by using both arms, but he couldn't do anything about the residual force that pushed him back.

[Hahahaha! It's pointless!]



The Black Knight shoved an entire building aside to close the distance between him and Seol.

Agony's attack was ruthless, enough to evoke a human's primal fear.


Despite the excruciating pain, Seol arose, preparing to retaliate.

He leaped into the air and unleashed a kick onto the Black Knight's head.


The other transferees trembled in fear as the sounds of Seol and the Black Knight's battle echoed throughout the district.

"Sh-should we help him?"

"Are you out of your mind? How will you help him? Do you have two lives or something, huh?"




One of the onlookers unleashed a fireball at the Black Knight, causing an explosion.

"I-It landed..."

"Get out of the waaaaay!"

Seemingly furious, the Black Knight hurled debris from a building toward the direction the spell was cast from.





The Black Knight huffed in anger, scanning the area to locate the magician.



Seol wrapped his arms around the Black Knight's neck from behind, resembling a snake coiling around a bull's neck.

[You annoying...]

The Black Knight quickly grabbed Seol and began striking him.



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