Chapter 177

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Chapter 177

It was quite a ridiculous situation.

Ur, whom they had worked so hard to seal away, was now the key to helping them return to their homes.

"Wh-what do you..."

"...What do we have to do then?"

The expedition party became agitated.

Seol, Frannan, the few leftover mercenary leaders, Chameli, and Mael stepped forward.

Each of them had earned the right to be called a leader within the expedition party.

Certainly, Seol had less claim to leadership than the others, as his only title was being the disciple of an Aspect Magician. However, considering all he accomplished during this journey, he could easily be ranked near the top.

Regardless, they all stepped forward to converse with Ur to better understand and organize the situation.

Ur scowled for a second before forming a twisted grin.

"Ah... I thought too rashly. Alright! I will help you escape from this hell and see sunlight!"



Even though they all believed that Ur wouldn't help them due to his grievances with them, for some reason, he was surprisingly willing.

But in the end... Ur was Ur.

"However... I want to go with you."


"So hurry up and unseal me. Revive me. If you do, I will handsomely reward your loyalty."

"This bastard..."

"Bwahahahaha! What did this monkey just say?"

"I think he wants us to scratch his back!"

- They're pretty good at making fun of him LOL

- But... Do you guys even have a plan?

- You aren't making fun of him for no reason... right?

Ur puffed up his cheeks.

It seemed like an expression an upset monkey would make.

"Y-You nasty... hmph!"

Ur crossed his arms and turned around.

"I'll take that as your rejection of the deal."


"I can understand you refusing my proposal if you don't mind dying here. I doubt all of you are oblivious to your own situation. Becoming heroes? That's fantastic! I'm sure all of you are eager to become heroes," said Ur.

Ur's words were like daggers to the hesitant mercenary leaders.

"The heroes who sealed this mighty Ur, a wizard and the root of all powers! However... do you really think anyone will remember your names? I highly doubt they'd even know what happened, let alone be curious! Because that's just how humans are, you self-centered bastards!"

Ur continued further, seemingly satisfied with the tongue-lashing he had just given out.

"All of you will be forgotten here with me! Forever..."

"I-I don't want that..." shuddered one of the expedition party members.

After hearing that, more continued.

"I-I don't want to die."

"I never even thought about dying."

"Instead of choosing to die, why don't we talk with Ur more..."

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