Chapter 132

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Chapter 132

A long time ago...

"H-He cleared it!"

"Woah... he beat it!"

"Finn really is strong, huh..."

After hearing the news, the players around Seol swarmed to his table.

"You cleared the Labyrinth of Penance?"

"Oh my... that was actually possible?"

"So many of my pieces died there!"

"Finn! It's Finn!"

Until now, no one had successfully navigated through the Labyrinth of Penance.

The labyrinth posed a daunting challenge, proving difficult even for pieces with high stats because of its capability to wear down any piece's mind.

It had reached a point where sending a developed piece into the labyrinth was deemed foolish.

That was why when Seol cleared it, the gods couldn't hide their surprise.

"Blood of Origin really is incredible, huh..."

"Finn isn't even fully developed, though, right?"

"I'm sure Snowman just picked the right options as he always does."

"I wonder what the loot will be. What is it? What is it?"

"Come on, quiet down..."

The rewards from a labyrinth that had never been cleared before... What could it be?

"Huh? What is..."

[Finn Modria's Peculiarity: Altruistic activates.]

[Finn Modria ignores the selected option and acts on his own.]

[Finn Modria's behavior is influenced by his disposition.]

"Huh... Huh?"

"It's fucked! Finn is..."

As Seol bit his lips and observed the situation, the gods began talking on their own.

"He chose to free the souls?"

"He must be out of his mind!"

"He just wasted his reward!"


A chime rang out for the Blessing of Souls.

The gods quickly reconsidered their initial assessment after the feast of stat increases.

"Wait? If it's these many stats..."

"Still, we don't know what the demonic beast statue would have given."

"I mean... if he at least picked the priest..."

"Freeing the souls is 100% the wrong decision. I can't believe his peculiarity had to act up like that here..."

"Right? He worked so hard and..."

"Everyone, be quiet. Snowman's super upset right now."

In truth, Seol was neither furious nor upset. This was a situation he expected, after all.

'I knew he'd do something like this, but...'

Finn was special.

And since Finn also acquired the Blood of Origin through his noble heart, it wasn't as if his peculiarity was only a negative.

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