Chapter 42: Stubborn Has It's Disadvantages

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Speed Demon looked into the director eyes fully seeing the fear that he had caused but he didn't care, the only thing on his mind was saving himself. It didn't matter who got hurt in the process as long as he got the dagger

Seeing how dangerous he was, Lyla raised her hands up, wanting to show Speed Demon that she wouldn't try anything..nothing was more important than making sure she made home to her family as Lyla did her finger print which opened the gate that led inside the facility

Lyla: There.

Speed Demon titled his head and smirked underneath his mask as he brought his finger up and caressed her cheek

Speed Demon: You always were my favorite director.

Speed Demon pushed her to the side then walked inside the facility but stopped when he heard Lyla let out a chuckle as he turned and faced her and titled his head again only this time in confusion as she took her phone out from her pocket

Lyla: You forget. I have a way to warn your father.

Lyla pressed the metal human alert as Speed Demon scowled and ran right for her but he couldn't reach her as his father around and slammed him into sending Speed Demon down to the ground, Henry's mask dematerializes as he stares up at his father

He looked back at Lyla and told her to run as the director did as she was told then The Flash looked back to his son

Flash: What are you doing?

Henry shakes his head and scowls again as he rose up to his feet and shakes the dirt from his suit then spoke to his father in his normal voice

Henry: You just don't know when to stay out of my business.

Flash: You can't just go around and hurt people.

Henry: Oh yeah? So what I should run around and save them?

Henry says with sarcasm evident in his tone followed by a laugh

Henry: Notice how I'm being sarcastic.

Flash: What do you need at Argus?

He didn't answer his question as his mask went back on his face then took off running but The Flash followed after his son and tackled him to the ground but Speed Demon knocks him off, stands up then grabbed Barry and throw him against the wall

Speed Demon: Stay out of my way, Flash. I won't tell you again.

But ever the one not to listen, Barry got up and ran at Henry again, this time Henry grabbed Barry and launched him across the corridor before running to him and stabbed him in the shoulder with his claws, Flash let out a groan as Henry lifted him up by the collar of his suit

Speed Demon: I let you live. Remember that.

Henry looked forward and saw the dagger in a case attached to the wall as Barry looked and saw what he was staring at and raised a brow

Flash: Why do you need the dagger?

Once again, Henry didn't answer his father, punched him in the face before pressing one of the buttons to one of the cells and opened up then Henry threw his father inside and locked him in, Barry immediately got up and gripped the bars

Barry: Henry, let me out!

Henry: This isn't about us anymore!!

Henry screamed in his normal voice, his mask dematerializes and Barry could see the desperation on his face; that's when Barry figured it out, Henry was running from something..he remembered back to what he'd said in the cortex..He was trying to outrun time

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