Chapter 35: The Future Has Changed...

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Henry, Nora and Barry had hit a crossroads, the only thing that could help them with their plan to destroy Cicada was now gone and Barry had no idea what to do next..he was convinced that they shouldn't have done this

Barry: Now we have no way to stop Cicada. I mean, I don't even know when we are.

Nora: Dad, dad, we can fix this.

But Barry didn't believe that and made it known to his children

Barry: I can't fix this, Nora. Cisco can't even fix this. This is Wells' tech.

A light bulb went off as Nora was given an idea of what could help of more accurately who could help fix their problem

Nora: Well, let's go back to Wells.

Barry: We can't. Harry's— Harry's mind isn't what it used to be.

Nora: I don't mean that Wells. I mean the one that built the particle accelerator.

Henry came to the conclusion of who Nora was talking about and scoffed at the idea of going to his grandfather for help

Henry: You can't be serious, Nora.

Barry: That's not Wells. That's Eobard Thawne.

Henry scoffs again walking over to them as he tells his father that Nora knows who built the particle accelerator and then grabs Nora's arm and leads her away from Barry so he couldn't hear what was about to said

Henry: What the hell are you doing?

Nora: Henry, we have to fix this.

Henry shakes his head, his disagreement palpable..never again would he ever go to his grandfather for help..he wouldn't lower himself that much that he'd need to go to someone he'd risen over in every way possible

Henry: No.

Nora: Yes.

Henry: No, no, no. We are not going to Eobard Thawne. Do you realize who he is? And not just because he killed our grandmother in his desperate acts to become greater than the flash..

Nora sighed knowing full well who Thawne is and his relation to Henry but despite that they were out of options and needed to get his help in order to defeat Cicada

Nora: Henry, we need his help.

Henry: No.

Nora: Yes.

Henry couldn't bear to hear it, voicing his disagreement as he started pacing. Barry observed the unfolding situation, confusion etching his features as finally Henry conceded to his sister as he let out a groan

Henry: Fine. We'll go.

Nora: Yes!

However, Henry needed an that he was more important than any meta human, Cicada included

Henry: Barry can't find out, Nora. He can't.

Nora nodded in agreement, sharing Henry's belief that revealing the truth about Thawne's connection to Henry would only bring more problems

Nora: I know, Henry. He won't find out.

As Nora and Henry headed back to their father, Henry's eyes glanced behind them towards the alley's street. He spotted a familiar face hiding behind the building and as Nora reached their father, Nora seen that Henry had remained in place

Nora: Henry, come on.

Henry cleared his throat, intrigue covering his face as he glanced his gaze back at Nora and Barry

𝘾𝙃𝙄𝙇𝘿𝙍𝙀𝙉 𝙊𝙁 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃 [𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟚] [𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora