Chapter 13: I Will Reign

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It seemed odd to Nora and Bart that Cicada wasn't David Hersch, in the future he was..he had to be...Sherlogue had captured so many versions of the meta human who all turned out to be the same person but this time he couldn't..and the reason for that was because the timeline had changed

Once again the presence of Nora and Bart has changed something, things had been changing ever since they arrived in the past and now one of Central City's most nefarious serial killers was not only early but he was someone else entirely

They were now looking for someone else but Nora had doubts, she believed that the one they'd been looking for was David Hersch, that he was the one who caused so much pain..she wanted to bring David and lock him up in the pipeline but Barry disagreed

He told her that she would have to sit this one out which didn't go right with her..but Bart had suspicions that Nora wasn't focused on Hersch..she was focused on something else

Nora paced in the pipeline back and forth as Bart walked in and leaned against the doorway

Bart:What's wrong, Nora?

She stopped as she saw Bart standing truth it was Henry knocking away in her mind.. but not just him, the timeline was...Henry told her how things were changing; more so than they thought and she had no idea how much more would change the longer they were in the past

Bart: What aren't you telling me, Nora?

Nora sighs as she steps forward, she didn't wanna tell Bart about her meetings with Henry..but she didn't wanna lie to him any longer even if he'd be mad

Nora: I've been talking to Henry.

Bart groans slightly as he comes inside, his fist barely clenching at the thought she was talking to their brother behind his back

Bart: Nora! Do you want him to take you? To hurt you?

Nora: He wouldn't hurt me Bart.

Which was what she liked to believe, that despite Henry's evil nature, despite the things he's done that he wouldn't hurt, she's obviously been in multiple occasions where he could've but he didn't..she liked to believe that there was an inch of light in Henry for not hurting her. She had to believe that because without it...there'd be nothing left to save Henry

Nora: He told me something.

Curiosity engulfed Bart as he stepped closer..for once he was actually interested in what Henry had to say

Bart: What'd he say to you?

Nora: That were changing things. More than we know. The timeline is changing Bart. Because we came back here. Came back here to this time.

And that's when it hit Bart, why Nora has been so invested on David Hersch being Cicada, it's because of what their brother said, that the timeline was changing, Nora was so focused on the timeline and the changes because of what Henry said and she didn't want any of it to be true

Bart: Nora, Hersch isn't Cicada, dads right. Cicada is someone else. I know we changed the timeline but you can't let that cloud your judgement, especially when it comes from Henry.

He was right...coming from Henry, her judgement is usually clouded..this time she couldn't let that happen..she had to focus on the problem at hand

Bart: I just think we have to tell them, Nora. The truth about Henry. The truth about dad.

Nora shakes her head sternly..they couldn't figure out the truth about Speed Demon..about Henry..the timeline had changed so much and if they discovered that much could change...and Nora was absolutely sure with every fiber in her being that the truth had to remain hidden

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