Chapter 18: A Powerful Motivator

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It was mixed bottle of emotions for team flash, most specifically Barry, Iris and Caitlin....they had just discovered something so terrifying and they had no idea to process it

But it all made sense why Nora and Bart were reluctant to telling them the truth about Speed's because of who he was

Speed Demon was Nora and Bart's brother, he was their family but it didn't make sense...things didn't make sense before but now they definitely didn't make sense...none of it did

Barry stood over the computer watching the monitor as Henry stood inside the cell

After what happened in the pipeline where Bart almost killed him, Barry had closed the cell back up

But now he just watched him....and all Speed Demon could do was smirk at the camera

Barry is soon snapped out of his thoughts by Iris

Iris: Babe.

He looks over at her

Barry: Huh?

Iris motions forward as Barry looks in the direction she was motioning as Nora stood there

Nora was having a tough time with it as well, she didn't want the truth to come out, she didn't want the team to know the demon behind the mask and was her fault

She blamed herself for why they found out because in a state of emotions she blurted out who Henry was

And now she had to explain, which was alot easier said than done

Nora: I know you all are probably mad.

Iris: Shock would be more like it. This man....this man is our son?

Iris says as she places her hand on Barry's shoulder

Nora looks at Bart as she gives him a half smile, she felt bad for the way they yelled at each other

She looks back at Iris and Barry as she says

Nora: We'll tell you everything but right now all I'll say is his name.

Barry: What's his name?

Nora takes a breath as she goes to speak but the word couldn't come out

So Bart steps forward to help her as he tells their father there brothers name

Bart: Henry. Henry West-Allen.

An anchor formed...well metaphorically inside of Barry's chest just hearing the name Henry, obviously after his dad who was murdered at the hands of Zoom....Henry was named after his father

Barry sat down in the chair as he rubbed his forehead, he just was having such a hard time believing that the man inside the cell was his son....let alone with the name of his father

Barry just gets up as he looks between the four of them and just shakes his head as he walked out of the timeline

Nora and Bart look at each other, this was why the truth needed to be kept hidden


It felt strange for second he was discovering his son and daughter had come back to the past but now he was discovering that he had another child....a son who became a villain.....who became Speed Demon

He didn't know how to feel....all these emotions were rapidly growing inside his body as he just thought about it

And the more he thought about it....the more guilty he felt....Henry hated him, but he didn't know why....he couldn't understand how his own child could hate him

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