Chapter 40: The Mood Has Changed

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The door to Caitlin's apartment opens up as Cisco walks in with a cup holder in his hand and a flash and frost in the holder along with a bag of doughnuts in his other hand, he closes the door behind him then sees that the tv was on and a glass of wine on the coffee table

Cisco raised a brow as it wasn't like Caitlin to leave the tv on along with a bottle of wine and a glass full just out and about but he pushed that out of his mind as he starts to head towards the door

Cisco: Oh, Caitlin! Don't tell me you had a Harry Potter marathon without me, ya know how I feel about that.

Cisco didn't hear a reply from the doctor and figured she was still asleep which again was unlike her

Cisco: Late night, last night.

Cisco opened the door and walked in as he shoe immediately stepped on something as he looked down and saw Henry's jacket on the floor

Cisco: That looks like Henry's.

Cisco looks up and his eyes widen in complete and utter disbelief upon seeing Caitlin in bed....with Henry of all fucking people; and Caitlin had her head laying on his chest; he was trying to come upon with a reasonable explanation for it, maybe Henry drugged her.. yeah, that's it...he took advantage of her

But he sighs upon seeing that his friend had a smile on her face which had been along time since she seen a smile on her face quite that big, the last time being with Ronnie

Still it didn't stop him from being shocked that his friend was in bed with the son of their best friend, the man they took care of while he was in a coma five years ago and so he did the only logical thing he could at the moment which was slowly back away and carefully shut the door without waking them and once it was fully closed he leaned his back against the door

Cisco: Oh my...god.

And so Cisco left the apartment before Henry or Caitlin awoke, still shocked by this turn of events


Cisco was in the speed lab, sitting by his computer as he rocked his leg up and down, his mind was still focused on what he'd seen this morning

Out of all the people Caitlin could sleep with, it just had to be someone who was a psychopath, who didn't care about anyone but himself. Henry was a monster and Caitlin knew that, she seen what he did to Barry when he first came to the past, took their friend down like he was a toothpick

And don't even forget about what he did to Cicada, he killed Cicada without a second thought and not to mention Henry killed Barry in the future, and if he could do something so horrible to his own father, what would he do to someone like Caitlin? It's not like he had romantic feelings for her at all but that didn't mean he wanted to see her get hurt or die

His burning thoughts were put a stop when he felt a hand on his shoulder as he immediately looks behind him and sees Nora

Nora: Hey, Cisco. What's on your mind?

Cisco immediately stood up and stumbled backwards, did Nora know to? Did she go looking for Henry and found him at Caitlin's? No, don't be silly, of course not..she doesn't know

Cisco: Oh, heyyyy, Noraaaa. How's it hanging?

Nora raised a brow let out a little laugh and thought Cisco was hiding something, she always knew when he was as she crosses her arms and says

Nora: What happened? What did you do?

Cisco: I didn't...who me? No, I didn't anything.

𝘾𝙃𝙄𝙇𝘿𝙍𝙀𝙉 𝙊𝙁 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙁𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃 [𝔹𝕆𝕆𝕂 𝟚] [𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴𝙳]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora