Chapter 25: The First Step

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Nora sat on the ground feeling the pain of the dagger as her hand was cuffed to a rusty pipe; she had wanted to put Cicada down herself, to prove to her father that she could be just as much of a hero as he was but she failed

But apart of her also wanted to prove to Henry that she could be a hero...she wanted to prove to her brother that despite her wanting to save him that she'd do whatever it takes to be a hero

But again, she failed..she tried to catch Cicada off put him down and call it a night but he was waiting for her...he was like a predator stalking it's prey

Cicada had put her down and stabbed her in the back with the dagger dampening her speed which is why she couldn't run away

The doors to the building open up as we hear the screeching sound of the doors against the ground as Cicada comes walking in with his dagger in hand

Tears fell down Nora's eyes as she pleaded with the man

Nora: Please! Just let me go!

Cicada just let out a chuckle as he began to walk towards the female suites speedster

Cicada: Your friends will come. And when they do, I shall kill them.

Nora just stares up at the man as she looked at the lighting bolt shaped dagger in his hand

It'd been quite awhile since someone other than Henry scared her

Cicada: But more importantly I want that other speedster and I saw how he saved you. He must die too.

Nora let out a chuckle as her fear soon turned to a slight laugh

Cicada: Something funny?

Nora looks up at him with determination in her eyes

Nora: Yeah, actually there is. There's an old saying I once heard someone say to me.

Cicada tilts his head as Nora tells him

Nora: You can't kill the devil.

In seconds Cicada is punched in the side as he goes to flying to the ground as he looks over and sees the elongated man standing there

Cicada stands up as he lets out a mischievous chuckle

Cicada: You think you have what it takes to stop me?

Elongated man steps forward as he spoke trying to sound confident

Elongated man: Let's find out.

Elongated man stretches his arms out towards Cicada as he grabs him and wraps his arms around him as he tries to pull him but the dagger wielding villain drills his feet into the ground

Elongated man pulls harder but Cicada is able to rip through his arms as he grabs one of them and pulls Elongated man at him as he punches him across the face

Cicada walks towards him as he raises his dagger but Elongated man kicks him in the gut and Cicada stumbles backwards

Elongated man gets up but is taken down with a kick from Cicada; Cicada runs at the stretchy hero as he hits him with a huge shoulder block that sends him flying out of the building

Elongated man groans on the ground as he rolls onto his back as he speaks into the comms

Elongated Man: Anytime now, guys. That would be great.

Elongated man gets up to his feet as the dagger was coming straight towards him and he dives out of the way as the dagger circles back and is caught by Cicada

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