Chapter 1: Somone Faster, Someone Smarter

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Central City.....home to the greatest superhero the world had ever known....The Flash. He was a beacon of hope, the people of Central City had looked up to him as their protector, their savior

But even a hero can't save everyone. The flash had an enemy, the greatest threat to his city he ever faced. His own blood. Speed Demon came and took Central City by the palm of his hand, doing whatever he could to keep, no matter who paid the price

Henry West-Allen had become the king of central city, ruling on his throne with an iron fist, noone had managed to beat him, the only one who had come close was Godspeed but even he failed

But Henry wasn't alone, he had siblings, Nora and Bart, two speedsters who did their best to protect the city, Nora was the ome who wanted to save Henry, despite all the evil he's done, she knew their was still good inside her brother, but Bart was different, he wanted to put Henry down and save his city

Henry, Bart and Nora were siblings, each having their own motivations for what they do, each holding the world on their shoulders, just like their father, they were the children of the flash


Somewhere unknown, it was dark and a thunder storm was happening as the rain came down hard, Erick Thawne and a woman were walking together, hand in hand as the woman kept her arm on Erick's chest

This wasnt the Erick currently experiencing the Else worlds,, this was the future version of Erick Thawne, a man who has seen so much in his life, death, chaos, sadness, the life he has led has been so much, if it was anyone else they probably couldnt handle what this man has

Erick and the woman, presumablely his wife walk through a cemetary, moving past each and every tombstone around until they make it to one near a large statue

Erick kneels down as he let's a sigh, he must've known the person who was here, you could see it in his eyes, he wanted so badly to help but he failed in the worst way possible, he didn't know what to do anymore

Erick's wife puts her hand on his shoulder as Erick puts his hand on hers, a small tear falls down his eyes

Future Erick: How can I be alive for so long, know so much but yet fail so miserably?

Future Erick removes his hand from his wife's as he touches the tombstone as a lightning strike is heard in the background, he stands up as more tears  fall down his eyes

All he could think about was what happened, he wanted nothing better than to help but he couldn't, his presence in the world had become greater than anything you could ever imagine but what was the point of this power if he couldn't help when it was needed the most? Sometimes it felt like he was just living a lie, a deep and regretful lie, one that wouldn't end anytime soon

Future Erick looks back at his wife as she gives him a sad nod, he knew that this was her telling him it was time to go, the husband and wife duo lock hands as they make their way out of the graveyard, Erick delivers one final look at the tombstone as he lowers his head

The last thing we see is the tombstone before a loud thunder strike followed by lightning goes off


Where did we last leave off? That's the question isn't it? Was it when Speed Demon killed God speed? Was it when Mia Queen had a mind blowing talk with Eobard Thawne? No, no, we last left off with Impulse and Xs making their way through a portal with Speed Demon following them

He didn't know where they went but he knew it couldn't be good

Somewhere in Central City, in a friendly neighborhood, it was a dark as a breach opens and Speed Demon comes running out of it as he comes to a screeching hault

Somewhere in Central City, in a friendly neighborhood, it was a dark as a breach opens and Speed Demon comes running out of it as he comes to a screeching hault

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He quickly looks around unsure of what time period he was in

Just then a newspaper flies past him as he reaches out and grabs it as he looks at the title which says "Flash returns after missing for six months." he looks at the date and grunts in annoyance

He crumples up the newspaper and throws it down and then taps his wrist which brings up the hologram of Gideon

Gideon: Hello, Henry. Ohhh, this is not the gym.

Speed Demon: What time period are we in Gideon?

Gideon: It is currently 2019 Henry. 30 years from your timeline.

Speed Demon rolls his eyes as the hologram of Gideon disappears, he was pretty angry at Bart and Nora, not because going back in time could result in dangers to the timeline, that wasn't it at all, he could careless about the timeline, no he was just mad that they went back in time and he didn't know why

Then again then just being back in this time period could change the future in more ways than one, he certainly knew that, probably more than anyone, and he wasn't about to let Nora and Bart do anything stupid, he had to find and stop them

His mask dematerializes as Henry taps his wrist again as Gideon reappears in front of him

Henry: Has there been any changes to the timeline since their arrival Gideon?

Gideon: Yes, in fact there has been. The flash was supposed to destroy a satellite but-

Henry interrupts Gideon before she can finish

Henry: But what, Gideon?

Gideon doesn't say anything as she just brings up a clip which shows two speedsters helping the flash to destroy a satellite

Henry: Dammit.

Henry looks around at his surroundings, it was uncertain but something felt similar to this, almost familiar, like he had heard about this somehow or it already happened to him before but he couldn't quite put his finger on it that was until he remembered the earth 1 version of Nora

She had done the exact same thing, she wanted to see her father so she went back in time and helped him destroy the satellite, the only difference is, she didn't have a Henry or Bart, and this Nora did

Henry turns back and looks at Gideon, he had to find Bart and Nora no matter what

Henry: Gideon, where are Bart and Nora now?

Gideon: According to records, Henry. There are tachyons currently at a baseball field.

Gideon disappears as Henry's mask comes back over his face as he gets into a running position as a smirk crosses his face

Speed Demon: I'm coming Nora.

Speed Demon heads to the baseball field where his siblings were currently at, he was gonna find them and bring them back

It didn't matter why they were here, all he knew is that bringing them back to the future was his matter what

To Be Continued....

[A/N: Short chapter but they'll get longer, you know how it is. If you don't realize it yet, I'm doing season five of the flash but it's gonna be way different than the one you saw in the show but they're will be some similarities. Season 5 is my favorite season of the flash so that's why I'm doing it.]

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