Chapter 9: Soon Enough

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Time basically stood still for Emily, this was it....the moment her life would end in the blink of an eye, the man she heard so much about, the brother she always wanted to meet him and....she did but it was all for nothing, he was gonna kill her just like that and there was nothing she could do

Henry goes to shove his fist into her chest but his wrist beeped as he stopped and let out a grunt and turned around as Gideon appeared in front of him

Henry: What's wrong, Gideon?

Gideon: You wanted me to alert you to any timeline changes immediately.

Henry: Show me.

A newspaper clipping appears in front of Henry as he scoffs in annoyance as it disappears and he turns around as Emily still sat on the floor

Henry: You're in luck. Stay here and do not leave. I'll be back.

Henry goes over to the door as Emily stands up

Emily: Where- where are you going?

Henry rolls his eyes as he turns to his newfound sister

Henry: That's my business. You need to stay here. I mean it.

And with that, in a blink of an eye, Henry whooshed out of the apartment leaving Emily by herself

She sighs as she picks up her bag as she goes over and sits down on the couch and opens up her bag and pulls out the picture of her and her mother

She missed her mother, she was the only person she ever really knew, the person who made her feel safe, and she was just gone, all she wanted was for Henry to help her

She rubs her hand against the photo as she says, sadly

Emily: I miss you mom.


Nora snored away on the couch as she slept peacefully, it was the first time in so long where she got to sleep, where she didn't have to worry about what Henry was doing or if Central City was in danger

Bart laid on the other couch as by the door Henry suddenly comes phasing through it

He looks around as he walks over to the couches and sees Bart and Nora sleeping, he turns as he sees the pictures on the wall, they were of Barry and Iris, they were scattered around the walls and they actually looked happy. Henry walked over to the counter in the corner as he picked up the photo of Iris and Barry from their honeymoon

He just stares at it, there was no show of emotion on his face, he just stared at it

He puts his other hand on the photo and closes his eyes that was until he cleared his throat and put the photo back down

He turns around and his gaze catches the stairs and he walked over to them as he walked up the stairs. Once again all he saw pictures hanging on the wall, a facade of the perfect family, but he knew the truth

He walks down the hallway as he goes down to Barry and Iris's room and creeps inside and saw the duo sleeping

He gazed around the room and saw there wasn't a picture in sight, just a large closet and a bed. He walks around the bed as he runs his hand against the edge of it and goes over and stands over top of Barry

Barry looked so......peaceful in his sleep, like he didn't have a worry, like their were no problems at this moment that could ruin what sleep he had

He turns around as he goes over and grabs the chair in the corner and brings it over next to the bed as he sits down and crosses his legs and just watches the two of them sleep

Henry: You look so young.

He chuckles as he stands up again and vibrates his hand over Barry's chest

Henry: And I could kill you, right now. So easy.

He brings his hand down to his chest and electricity speaks off his hand but he pulls it away and sits back down

Henry: What I would give to just kill you right now. Hmm. But I can't. The timeline is a tricky, yet funny thing. I took you out, I took all of them out. I took your city. And made it my own.

Henry leans back and crosses his legs as he looks up at the ceiling

Henry: I made it in my image of what it should have always been. And now, here I am. *Leans in* Once again looking over you hoping to just kill you.

He stands back up as he once again puts his hand over Barry's chest but this time he doesn't vibrate it, he just clenches his fist

Henry: Because of Nora and Bart.....the timeline, *Breathe out* Don't Soon enough, I will kill you.

Just then Iris moves around on the bed as she yawns and looks up but there was no one there, she must've been dreaming but she could have sworn that someone was standing in the room

She just shrugs it off as she lays back down and cuddles up next to Barry


Meanwhile downstairs Henry stood in the living room as he saw Nora sleeping, he walks over to her but not before looking at Bart, he actually liked seeing Bart sleep, not for the reasons you might think but because he was less annoying while he slept

He bends down to Nora and tilts his head.....she actually looked peaceful just like Barry

Henry puts his hand over Nora's mouth as he slowly brings it down and then covers her mouth and puts his other hand behind her head and Nora suddenly gasps as she wakes up

Henry takes his hand out behind her head as he puts his finger over his mouth as gestures for her to be quiet and he looked over at Bart who snored and rolled over

Henry looked back at Nora as he kept his finger on his mouth

Nora nodded as she sat up and Henry let her go as he stood up and step backwards

Nora: *Whispers* Henry, what are you doing here?

Nora yawns as she stretches her arms out

Henry: *Whispers* We need to talk Nora. It's important.

Nora: *Yawns* Alright.

Henry: Not now. I'll send you a location tomorrow.

He says as he begins to walk to the door

Henry: Don't be late. *Speed Demon Voice* Nora.

Henry ran out of the apartment as the door slammed shut as Nora immediately laid back down

The lights to the hallway turn on as Barry comes walking down the stairs, he gazes around the room but doesn't see anyone, he looks at Nora and Bart who were sleeping and he just shrugged his shoulders

He could've sworn he heard somebody talking but there was no one there, he just walks back upstairs feeling there was no other reason to stay

But Nora opened her eyes as she sat up, she didn't know what Henry could possibly wanna talk about

But whatever it was, it must've been important because he wouldn't have just come here if it wasn't

To Be Continued.....

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