Chapter 18

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Hojin came home from the hospital. He sat on the porch of their apartment. He was troubled when he found out that Kim Seokjin was admitted in the hospital where he works. The guilt has been eating him for a long time and he won't be able to forgive himself if Seokjin dies without meeting his real son-Taehyung.

He knows when the truth about Taehyung comes out, the boy will hate him. How can he live with that? He devoted his whole life to caring and loving Taetae. He didn't even mate nor get married because of the boy who he considered his own son. His mind is in distraught, not knowing what to do. At times like these, he wishes that they aren't orphans, that their parents are still alive to guide and tell them what to do.

He and his sister Yujin had done a lot of bad things especially to the Kim family and he blamed it for not having their parents beside them.

"A lot of children grew up well and righteous even without their parents. Don't blame your misdeeds on your deceased parents, that's all on you and your spiteful sister." A voice from behind startled him.

"Rectify your mistake before it's too late. I'm warning you, no secrets will remain hidden forever. Taehyung that boy will hate you when he learns the truth from other people. When he finds out that his omega father is fighting for his life and he isn't there beside him." Hoseok's words are like shards of glass that cut Hojin's heart.

" Hoseok's words are like shards of glass that cut Hojin's heart

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Hojin covered his face and began to sob uncontrollably. "Yujin and I will go to prison and I won't see Taetae again. I love that boy like a real son. I-i can't lose him to the Kims."

"Suit yourself." Hoseok chuckled bitterly. "Your sister will soon meet her doom because of her evil deeds. You, condoning her acts will regret it." Hoseok walked away and entered their apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Hojin tried to calm his restless mind. No, he can't tell Taetae the truth. How can he continue living knowing the boy hates him? It will break his heart, Taehyung is his sole reason for living. He wiped his tears and went inside their house. He found Yujin seated on the couch in their living room. The woman sensed her brother's uneasiness. She noticed his red-rimmed eyes. "What's wrong oppa? Did you cry?"

"Kim Seokjin is in a coma right now. He had an accident a few days ago and the doctors at the hospital don't know when he will wake up." Hojin sighed and defeatedly slumped next to his sister.

Yujin hid a wicked grin. Her mind conjures up a devious plan. She schooled her expression. "That's unfortunate. I should visit him. He was my friend after all. And Joon, he must be alone and devastated."

"Don't you dare harm Seokjin. I'm warning you, Yujin." Hojin raised his voice.

"Oppa, you think so lowly of me. Do you think I will hurt Jin? I just want to go there and console Joon. He must be so sad right now. He was my best friend first before I fell in love with him. Believe me, I will go there as Joon's friend, that's all. I have long accepted that he won't be mine." Yujin faked a cry.

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