Chapter - 25

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His heart was racing fastly he can't express his turmoil thousands of thoughts were running inside his head and he cannot think straight !

There is something very wrong ...

His hands on the steering wheel rolled up making the car run on 100 miles per hour he has to reach there ASAP .

When he got the news of Taehyung's mating ceremony with Kim Kwon his heart sink to his stomach it can't be real .. but then he realised the certain terms of events how fast everything was going on ? How Taehyung ignored him and forced him to leave Hearth pack or how Deak-su was here !

Nothing was making sense but at the same time everything started making sense all of a sudden .. Taehyung pushed everyone dear to him so that on the road of revenge he won't lose anyone and that's scares Jungkook cause it also means Taehyung's life is at risk and he can't let it happen .

So next thing Jungkook does was to hop in his car not listening to yells and calls of his friends nothing was more important than Taehyung right now .

Jungkook came out of the car and couldn't believe what he was seeing right now there was a chaos erupted in the Hearth pack .. people running here and there and more specifically to a particular direction ! So Jungkook does the same and when he reached he saw Taehyung's house was on fire !

Jungkook's breath hitched he ran towards the entrance but there he saw a figure coming right through the door with fire erupting of his body ! Eyes flashing the same colour as fire.. but what was more surprising was that the fire was not burning the person infact it looked like it was the part of his body making him looking like someone celestial not from this world and how was this possible !

When Jungkook clearly saw the person a yelp escaped his mouth .

"Taehyung !!!!! ". Jungkook ran towards Taehyung who was about to fall on the ground .

There lied Taehyung unconsciously in Jungkook's lap with fire now stopped . Jungkook tried to wake Taehyung up checked Taehyung's body vigourly trying to find injuries but unexpectedly there was none ... Nothing was making sense to Jungkook and he was losing his mind right now .


"How is he Doctor ? ". Yoongi asked with worried filled eyes .

"He is fine .. infact he is totally fine there is no wound on his body as you told me he was caught in fire but how can that be possible there in not one sign of burning on his body maybe he escaped . But don't worry i have given him injection let him rest he will wake up soon ". Doctor said making everyone present in the room more worried .

When Jungkook left hastily hearing Taehyung's mating ceremony everyone became worried as what Jungkook will do next infact Yoongi and Yuna were ready to go and bring Jungkook back but when they saw Jungkook on the door steps with Taehyung in his hands they were surprised as hell as what happened !

Deak-su broke down to see her brother in this condition she cursed herself for leaving Taehyung and not listening to her own heart which was saying something was wrong ?

Heesuk was also with Taehyung and Jungkook and he also felt guilty for not stopping Taehyung for risking his life but he was once again bound by Taehyung's promise . He explained everything to everyone making them gasp in reality . How can they mistrust Taehyung and believe he will betray them ! Infact he was suffering all along fighting all his demons on his own .

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