Drake moved me backwards and looked down at my face. He wiped the tears. “The birthday girl should not be to cry.” He mumbled to me. I smiled.

He hooked his arm through mine, and together, we descended the stairs. Upon reaching the bottom step, I noticed two pairs of skates. One for me and one for Drake. I hurriedly sat down on the bottom step and started to switch my black heels for the beautiful purple and white skates. I guess you know who bought them. Annabelle. I looked at Drake who was also switching his sky blue vans for blue skates. We tied our last skate at the same time. Drake stood up first to give me a hand. I accepted and Drake hauled me up.

We then slowly opened the door to go into the ice-rink. The door was up to my waist. I got into it and dragged Drake with me. He glanced at the ice and shook his head. I crossed my arms.

“Is weetle Drake afraid of the ice?” I teased.

“Shut up! The ice just looks slippery” he whined.

“No...It’s dry like the desert.” Note the sarcasm. He raised his eyebrow at me. I groaned

“But I wanna hug AnnieBear!” I whined, pretending to stomp my foot like a child. It’s not possible in skates. Trust me. I have tried.

“Geez, fine. Help me though!” He said. He glared at the ice as if it was a serial killer.

I grinned and slowly, very slowly, pulled Drake inch by inch towards the side supports. Upon him reaching the door, he flinched.

“Come on Drake. You can do it. You’re not going to fall. I’ll catch you if you do so. It’s fine.” I reassured him. Actually it was a lie. I can’t catch him. He is way heavier than me. With all that muscles, I’m sure I couldn’t catch him. As I cooed assurance, Drake began to progressively let go off my hand. Soon enough, he could skate short distances without falling. I grinned and took off towards my best friend’s outstretched arms.

“ANNIEBEAR!” I hugged Annabelle first. she laughed and hugged me back.

“Ahem! Shouldn’t brothers get hugs first? I’M OFFENDED” Louis shouted, clutching his heart.

I chuckled, releasing myself from the hug. I skated over to the boys and hugged them one by one, leaving Louis for the last, just for the fun of it.

“Hey! Why am I the last?” He screamed as I headed towards him.

“Isn’t it best for last?” I asked, grinning earning a couple of “OI!” and fake sobs. And of course, laughter from Drake. Weird boy he is.

“Touche.” He smiled as the others continued shouting their protests.

“El here prefers me to you people. Live with it. Peasants.” Louis said, getting all sassy.

I laughed. Soon enough, everyone started to laugh. Niall and Drake laughed so hard, they lost balance, landed on their butts, laughed too hard till no sound came out. Seals. Both of them.

As I sobered up, I took a deep breathe and started a speech.

“Thanks guys and girl. Really. This is the best birthday ever. It doesn’t matter who came up with the idea, what matters is that you put aside time to plan a surprise for me. Thank you. Truly. For making this remarkably the best birthday, ever. I love you all!” I ended. By now, tears were again rolling down my cheeks. Why tears? WHY?

“Hey, it’s okay! We’re now practically family! Birthday girl shouldn’t be crying aye?” Niall said, in his cute irish accent. I smiled. To think I used to not like these guys. I mentally slapped myself.

“Never judge a book by it’s cover.” I thought to myself.

“GROUP HUG!” Louis shouted, pulling all of together. I chuckled, trust Louis a perfectly sappy moment. Within seconds, I was practically suffocating.

“Boys...And...Girl...Can’t...breathe..” I choked out. Seriously. They all let go and formed a circle around me. I looked at them like they were insane. They all had big smiles. Suspicious much?

“Well, are you guys going to say anything? Or just smile like jokers and look at me to make me like I’m a piece of meat?” I asked. Everything about the way they were surrounding me and looked at me practically screamed the word awkward.

“Point taken. Let’s show her the presents!” Annabelle exclaimed.

“Although, I am really excited for the presents, I need an explanation from Annabelle why she skipped school?” I looked at Annabelle with the I-need-to-know-now look. She gave me the isn’t-it-obvious look.

“I was planning this with these boys. And as u can see, I don’t have cough.” she said smiling. I nodded. These cheeky pineapples. Lying to me and planning a surprise. Don’t take it the wrong way! I’m totally fine with them planning a surprise for me! Afterall, who doesn’t love surprises? Not me.


So? How was it? Good? no? Bleh.

I dedicated this to DarcyJean...who is @hashbrown95 (me) wattpad "BESTFRIEND". Be jelly;) Oh, she's an awesome writer. Check our her stories! Although her stories aren't as good as mine... Nah who am I kidding. Her stories are totally, PhenomiNIALL! FabuLOUIS! AmaZAYN! BrilLIAM! ExtrodinHARRY! Yea, you should check em out:)

So...April Fools' Day. Have you checked the new Google app? It's called the Google Nose try it out! If it doesn't work, click on 'Help' Then, read. I swear u'll laugh out loud;)


Anyways tell me what presents you want each of them to give her yea? :D








PPPPPPPPS I shall stop with the caps lock.



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