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The weekend ended and everyone was back to work.

Mariah and Calista sat in the library organizing books.

"I remember when I first started working here, it was so fun. But now? I'm bored" Calista laughed.

"Yeah, some days are better than others" Mariah laughed also bored "Only two hours left"

"TWO HOURS?" Calista fake fainted.

"Oh shush. Go organize the fantasy section, it'll give you something to do" Mariah said pointing to the other side of the room.

"Ugh fine" she said putting the last of her books on the shelf.

"Thank youuu" she smiled.

"Ya ya" Calista said bonking Mariah on the head.

Rolling her eyes she went back to organizing.


The next two hours passed painfully slowly.

She finally finished and started her bike home.

Once home she noticed that Jess wasn't home.

She sat down on the couch for a bit, petting Hercules as he laid peacefully beside her, checking a few social media pages before Jessica walked into the door.

"Yo, I bought food and I need to talk to you" she said plopping the bag of Mexican food onto the living room table.

"Talk to me about what?" Calista asked cautiously.

"Well, I spoke to my job. They have given me the go ahead to work remotely. How do you feel about getting a roommate?" Jess smiled.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Calista said excitedly jumping up.

"Yeah!" She smiled.

"Oh my god!! ABSOLUTELY!!" The two girls jumped up and down with happiness.

"Maybe we can go shopping for furniture? Since you have absolutely NOTHING in the second bedroom" Jess laughed.

"Yes we can definitely do that" Calista laughed "but maybe Friday, cause I'm exhausted. And I have a shorter shift"

"That's fine with me. I just wanna eat my tacos and go to bed" Jess said sitting down and grabbing the bag of food.

"Ugh me too" Calista sat down beside her and grabbed her taco, just before taking a bite her phone started ringing "oh it's Sam, gimme a sec"

She got up and walked out of the room into the front doorstep.

C: Hey!

S: Hey, how's it going?

C: meh pretty good, just eating some Mexican food with Jess.

S: oh jealous

C: Yeah it's pretty good.

S: So, I was calling to ask you a question.

C: Okayyy I might have an answer.

S: What're you doing Saturday night?

C: I am doing nothing, why?

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