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Sunday morning came and Jade got up to go to work.

She wore one of the new outfits that she had boughten on Friday.

She did her usual job and checked the overdue books.

At the end of her shift she just punched out and started to head to the door when Mariah stopped her.

"Hey so I don't mean to pry but are you really living at the Monument Valley Hotel?" She asked.

"Oh ya, it's just temporary. I'm looking for a place to live but just didn't have a job and I know it's weird, I just have only been here for a bit and it's kinda a slow process" she said embarrassed.

"No no Jade it's fine, I'm just- my husband and I own a few rental properties not too far from here, it's about a 10-15 min walk, 5 mins if you take the bus. I'd be happy to take you down to see. I already know your salary and stuff, so you could move in whenever?" She said handing Jade an couple of listings on a few different sheets of paper.

"Really? But you don't even know me?" Jade asked looking at the pages.

"I don't know you well but I can tell you are a good person and trying to rent out houses in this city is impossible, most people wanna get out of a small town. Not very many people come to stay" she chuckled.

"Really? Then ya sure, I'd really appreciate that" Jade smiled.

"Perfect, it's late now, but we can go through them tomorrow on lunch break or something" Mariah said standing up and starting to pack up.

"Thank you Mariah. This all means the world to me" Jade said gratefully.

"No problem, come on I'll drive you home" she said grabbing her keys and heading out the door.

The two drove home in a peaceful silence.


The next day at lunch the two girls did just that.

They looked over everything and decided to go see it after work.

They waited until the last person left and closed up the doors.

The two girls drove down to the rental property.

It was a small cottage style bungalow with a stone pathway up to the door. It was a stunning house.

It had two bedrooms, one and a half bathrooms, a decent sized kitchen, a livingroom and dining room.

It had a quite large backyard and a deck.

She smiled as she was shown the house because she knew she was gonna make it her own.

She would decorate it how she wanted and she would be safe in it.

She agreed to moving in and signed the papers right there with Mariah.


The next few weeks went by quickly as she worked most days but did find herself settling into the small home in the city.

She spent the first few nights in a sleeping bag until she could afford a proper bed or even couch, but she'd never tell Mariah that.

She didn't want anymore help from her. She already owes her everything for letting her live here.

And the thought of having to rely on someone else to get by didn't sit right with her anymore.

She knew independence would be her only and best option.

She used almost all of her cash savings to pay Mariah first and last months rent.

The first chance she got she ungraded her sleeping bag to a nice queen sized mattress and then she found a nice bed on marketplace, the person even delivered it.

After the first few weeks she had a decent amount of stuff purchased.

Whatever was left from her paycheques after paying bills bought her some dishes, pillows, blankets, a used dining room set mostly from the second hand store and some important items like foods and toiletries.

She started to enjoy life again.

Decorating the house the way she wanted was awesome.

She started cooking again, which was something she was so passionate about before meeting Justin.

She was walking around the grocery store when she bumped into a another cart while turning the corner.

"Jade!" Mariah said as she realized they had bumped carts.

"Mariah, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were stalking me" Jade joked.

"I think you forgot that you moved into a small town" Mariah laughed.

The two shopped together for a while.

"So this Friday is the annual 'Sedona Garage Sale' you should come with me?" Mariah asked.

"What even is that?" Jade chuckled.

"It's this big garage sale that everyone in the city joins in on, everyone has stuff they don't want, or don't need. There's a lot of really cute small businesses as well. And there's a farmers market" Mariah explained.

"Well if there's a farmers market, how can I say no?" Jade said laughing.

"Awesome, usually I'd go with Anna but she's out of town and Colby hates it" Mariah said.

"Haha I bet. I think all men dislike shopping" she laughed.

"Yeah, you're probably right"

"So what time should I meet you at?" Jade asked as they finally arrived at the cash.

"I was thinking of going at 11:30? Grab some Starbucks and start walking around?" Mariah said as Jade put her items up.

"Sounds like a plan" she smiled at her.

The two girls finished talking and doing grocery's and headed home.

She got back to the house and put everything away.

She made herself some food and sat on the deck and watched as the sun went down over the small quiet town.

She felt at peace.


Loving this story.

Buried Secrets || Sam Golbachحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن