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Jade couldn't look away from the boy. She was shocked he was alive and okay.

She had spent days crying or consoling Colby and Mariah. His death devastated her and everyone in the community.

The two were sitting in silence waiting for the right moment to speak.

"So what happened?" She said barely above a whisper.

"I was in the backyard because I heard something out there. I turned to go back inside when someone hit me in the back of the head. I woke up hours later in a room. It was dark and cold, I couldn't see anything" Sam started. He stared at the ground uncomfortably.

Jade reached over and placed a hand on his hand as if to tell him she was here.

"I was starting to go crazy after 2 days when Justin opened the door. He handed me a take out container of food and a bottle of water before he closed the door again. I didn't know if I should eat it, but I was starving. Afterwards I waited, I prayed he would open the door and I could try and run but the next time he came up to the door he had a gun" Sam said with a deep sigh.

"Oh my god" Jade said with a gasp.

"I thought I would be dead. But he didn't, he drove me out to the Ohallan property and opened up a storage bin. While he was trying to move something in the bin I ran. I kept running until I couldn't run anymore. Until I couldn't hear him behind me anymore. I found an old run down hunting lodge and I stayed inside until the sun came back out, then I kept running. I drank water from the river, and tried to find food but mostly found a few raspberry bushes. Thank god my mom loved Survivor when I was a kid" he said with a sad laugh.

"This is insane" Jade said running a hand through her hair.

"Yeah, I finally made it here. My family's cabin. We don't use it very often and I knew where the spare key was hidden. And I've been hidden here ever since" Sam said finally looking up at the girl.

"God, I'm so sorry" Jade felt herself start to tear up.

"Hey, don't you dare apologize. Didn't understand at first why you would lie about this? But after being around this man for 2 days? I don't blame you for running away. Okay? I am glad you did. Now what are we gonna do?" Sam asked.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I think we need to go higher up. We need to call the best lawyer we can and we need to find out how to fight him. He thinks I won't come back. But I can't live here forever" Sam looked around the old cottage.

"Maybe we should bring Mariah and Colby in on this? We need help Sam. We can't do this alone" Jade said.

"Yeah, maybe you bring them here? Along with some groceries? Cause I'm running low on food and can only eat so many cans of chilli" Sam joked.

"Yeah, it's the least I can do. Are you gonna be safe here? Alone?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah I think I am. Nobody knows about this place. Let's just hope you weren't followed" Sam said.

"I think I would've noticed, I'm pretty paranoid these days"

Sam nodded in agreement. The two sat in a peaceful silence for a bit.

"I'm so glad you are okay" Jade said again.

"Yeah, you too" Sam smiled.

The two spent the next few hours looking up lawyers and private detectives from different cities that were at least a few hours away in order to make sure they wouldn't be already on Justin's side.


Around 5am, Jade decided to leave. She bid Sam a good bye and hugged him tightly before leaving.

She found herself on Mariah's doorstep, knocking calmly as to not raise suspicions.

Colby opened the door with sleepy eyes.

"Jade what are you doing here? It's like 5:30 in the morning" he said obviously irritated from being awoken.

"Is Mariah here?" She asked.

"Where else would she be J?" Colby stepped aside allowing the girl to walk past him into the house.

"MARIAH!" She shouted causing Colby to jump and glare at her "oh sorry"

Mariah came down the stairs a few moments later rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Girl. It is 5am" she said with the same irritation as Colby.

"Man you guys are not morning people are you?" Jade laughed a bit.

What? Why are you here?" Mariah said laying down on the couch.

"Okay well I need you guys to understand that what I'm about to say will not make sense BUT I need you to listen to me" she said as she sat down on the couch facing the two.

Colby and Mariah make a weird face at each other before nodding.

"I need you both to pack a bag. Enough stuff for maybe 3-4 days; and call your work. Tell them you have a family emergency and need the next few days off"

Mariah went to protest but Jade put her hand up as if to tell her to wait.

"Like I said I know it sounds crazy but please trust me. I know we've been through a lot but, i just NEED you to trust me" the girl practically begged.

"Uh okay" Colby agreed. Mariah looked over at him confused.

"Please. I promise it'll be okay" Jade said.

"Alright, fine" Mariah agreed reluctantly.

"Okay I have somethings to get sorted out but I'll be back at 4pm. Okay?"

The couple nodded and watched as she walked out the door

"Should we be concerned about this entire plan?" Mariah asked.

"I don't think so, maybe she just needs a break from everything? And frankly I think we both could get out of this town for a few days. Let's just go with it" Colby smiled.

"Okay, but if she brings us somewhere crazy.. I'm blaming you" Mariah laughed.

Colby chuckled before placing a kiss on her head and went upstairs to start packing.



Buried Secrets || Sam GolbachWhere stories live. Discover now