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Jade stood there for a moment before asking the question again.

"Where are your bike locks?"

"They're in aisle 7, but can we talk? Please?" Sam said.

"I'm already running late, and you are working" Jade said trying to end the conversation.

"Okay, tonight? Please?" Sam basically begged her.

"Are you gonna stand me up again?" Jade said crossing her arms.

"No. Look I'm sorry, I will explain everything. I promise" Sam begged again, desperate to explain everything to this woman.

She looked at him and tried to read his vibe, she knew she couldn't say no to him.

"Okay fine" she said finally caving in.

"Okay, I'll meet you at your house around 7:30 and I'll bring food?" Sam said with a smile.

"Fine, but I will only accept the finest of Chinese food" Jade said with a smile.

"Okay" he said "I wouldn't get anything less than the best"

The two stared at each other for a moment before Jade remembered she had to go to work.

"I should go get that bike lock and head to work" she said before turning towards the aisle "what aisle again?" She chuckled.

"Aisle 7 and I'll see you later" Sam said.

"Okay" she smiled before walking away to get her bike lock.

She finds one that looked durable before going to the cash to pay for it and then heads back to work.

She realizes it's been about 15 or 20 mins and her bike is still sitting nicely beside Mariah's now empty car.

She locks the bike up before heading into the library and getting to work.


After her shift finished she got on her bike and headed home.

She parked her bike in the small shed in the backyard before heading into the house.

She let out Hercules and started to clean the house, Sam would be arriving shortly so she wanted to make sure the place is clean.

She waited a few minutes before someone knocked.

She got up and opened the door to see Sam with a bag of Chinese food and a nice bottle of wine.

He smiled as he walked in before greeting her and Hercules who was already getting excited at his feet.

"Hey" he said to the girl.

"Hey, you can place everything on the counter" Jade said closing the door behind him.

He placed it all on the counter before taking all the different options out of the bag, and placing them on the counter.

"Smells really good" Jade said walking into the room.

"Oh this place is the best, I drove an extra 10 mins for this place, it's the tastiest Chinese food you'll ever taste. You gotta try the orange chicken" he said taking the container out of the bag.

"How did you know that I love orange chicken?" She laughed.

The two stood there for a minute talking about Sam's dinner choice's before they sat down at the dinner table and made their plates.

Sam poured himself and her a glass of wine before Jade spoke breaking the sudden silence.

"Soooo" she said. 

"You probably want me to explain myself huh?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I kinda do" she chuckled.

"Alright, well I don't know if you know this but my ex girlfriend died in a car crash just over 5 years ago" he said looking down at his plate.

Jade tried to look shocked but she did in fact know.

"I had heard that she had passed away suddenly but nothing else" she said trying not to reveal that she had googled his life.

"Yeah, well she was in a crash in March of 2018. She was driving through a storm and it took a so bad that... Uhm her breaks weren't strong enough and her tires spun out.. her car hit a tree and she was killed... Uhm it's been 5 years and honestly I never really moved on from her" he explained before taking a large sip of wine after wiping a tear away.

"Sam, oh my god, I'm so sorry" Jade said looking over at Sam who was trying to hide his emotions.

"It's alright, I've accepted that there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. But to be fully honest with you, the reason I didn't come over was because.. Uhm I spent a majority of the night having a back and forth breakdown with myself because I felt like I was in some way betraying her by going out with you" Sam said.

Jade reached over and grabbed his hand, as a way of encouraging him to go on with his story.

"Yeah, I was gonna call and I swear I wanted to but I just didn't want to embarrass myself by having this horrible awful and frankly awkward conversation over the phone, and I was just trying to pull myself together before having to do all of this" Sam said rubbing a hand down his face.

"Sam, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were going through so much. I shouldn't have snapped at you, god I'm such an asshole" Jade said.

"No no no, don't say that. I should've said something instead of standing you up" Sam said "That was a real dick move"

"It's okay, let's just start over and pretend that it never happened" Jade chuckled.

"I think that is a great idea" Sam said.

"Perfect" she smiled.

The two spent the rest of the night chatting and laughing. It was a prefect redo date.


I'm so sorry yall, I'm not home I'm out camping and my service is GARBAGEEEEEE but here's the second chapter!!


Buried Secrets || Sam GolbachWhere stories live. Discover now