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The next day Jade went straight to work to tell  Mariah everything.

The two spent the whole day gossiping about Sam and then about how Mariah's friend Kate was throwing a birthday party for herself and had invited both girls.

"So when even is it?" Jade questioned as the two stood organizing the new book shipment.

"This Saturday, I think she said 6? I could be wrong, lemme check the email" Mariah replied, unlocking her phone she opened the email "ya it's a 6"

"Okay, and what's the vibe? Cause I know she said it was at that nice restaurant downtown. Like are we talking full glam and fancy dresses? Or just cute soft makeup look and cute top and jeans?" Jade asked.

"Oh full glam, that restaurant is the one bougie place we have in this place" Mariah laughed.

Jade chuckled "okay I don't know how glam I can be with my wardrobe, but maybe I'll stop by the mall and find something to wear, I did wanna get a couple of small things anyways"

"OU! We can go together on Saturday before the party!! I wanna get new shoes and I can totally help you match the vibe that I'm going with!" Mariah said getting super excited.

"Okay, sounds good" she chuckled.

What had already felt like the shortest day of work ever, soon came to an end when the two realized it was time to to clock out and head home.

"So I'll meet you at your house for 11:30 on Saturday? and then we can drive to the mall, go back to your place, get ready and then drive together? I think Colby's picking up Sam, so it'll just be us driving together" Mariah said getting into her car as Jade unlocked her bike.

"Yeah I'll be ready, I'll see you tomorrow" Jade said as the two parted ways.

Jade stopped at the grocery store before heading home, she grabbed a few things for dinner and placed the paper bag in her basket of her bike before continuing on her way home.

She passed by the older woman who lived down the street and sold her the bike, she smiled and gave a friendly wave. The woman of course waved back.

Once she arrived she grabbed the paper bag from her basket, placing it on the ground before she stuck her bike in the shed.

She locked the shed and picked up her groceries and walking up the steps to the house, looking for the key before going to unlock the door.

She quickly noticed that her door was open and the doors lock looked as though it had been broken. She stood in silence waiting for any sound. She looked around the lawn and didn't see anyone anywhere in her yard.

After a few seconds of hesitation she had suddenly realized that Hercules was inside, and could be seriously harmed.

Dropping the groceries on the ground she threw then door open to see the whole house was destroyed and Hercules no where to be found.

All of her paperwork was strewn across the floor, the furniture was ripped up and damaged. Her laptop was smashed into pieces on the ground.

She called Hercules name over and over but with no luck, she couldn't find him anywhere in the house. She checked every room, and still couldn't find him.

She had hoped he was in the backyard but once she stepped out onto the back deck what she saw shook her to the core, all she saw was his collar on the deck beside the back door.

She picked it up off the ground before calling his name again, still not hearing the dog or seeing him.

She quickly grabbed her phone out of her back pocket before calling the police.

After explaining the situation they had promised to send a car with two officers and told her to get out of the house and not to touch anything.

After stepping out of her house she called Mariah.

M: Hey did you miss me already?

J: Mariah, someone broke into my house. I can't find Hercules and I don't know what to do! What if I can't find him? What if he's hurt?

M: woah woah woah slow down Jade. What is going on?

J: Someone broke into my house. I got home and the door was open and the lock was broken. Everything in my house was destroyed and when I went inside, I couldn't find Hercules.

M: what the hell? Okay stay calm, I'm on my way!

J: okay!

Mariah hung up and Jade felt herself break down.

The panic instantly struck into her soul and when it did the only thing she could think of is 'I know who did this, and he is going to come back' she immediately felt her blood run cold.

Justin had been here, for all she knows, Justin was still here.

He knew that she was here.

He took Hercules.

She wasn't safe here anymore.

She would have to leave Mariah and Sam and Colby.

She knew deep down she would never feel at peace again.

She cried harder knowing that anywhere she went, he would find her.

She felt indescribably numb as she repeated the same situation to every officer who stepped foot onto her property and decided to ask her what had happened.

"Oh my god, what the fuck? Jade, are you okay?" She heard from behind her, she knew who it was.

Jade looked back and saw Mariah, Sam and Colby all standing at the edge of her driveway, confused looking at all the police surrounding her house.

It was very rare that the police were called for any reason, and it was even more rare when they were called for a break and entry and a dog-napping.

She turned to hug her best friend as the tears kept falling.

"It's okay, I'm here" Mariah said.

"I need to tell you something" she said wiping the tears.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I know who did this" Jade said taking a deep breath.


Where is our sweet baby Hercules?

It's gonna be nothing but crazy town around here 🤪

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