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Calista woke up around 8am and immediately got to work making her pie filling, cookie dough and cheesecake batter.

By the time it was 2pm, everything was cooling down. She dropped Hercules over at Cindy's because she asked if they could hang out today.

Cindy told Calista that he was the best company and asked if he could come over and play.

Once home she started plating her cookies and mini pies on the fancy trays she used for the last party.

She grabbed another tray for her strawberry cheesecake bites and lined them up. She sprinkled a bit of crumble on top and made sure they all looked good.

"Perfect" she said quietly to herself.

"I have to agree" Jess said, taking one of the extra strawberry's and popping it into her mouth.

"You're lucky I didn't need that" Calista laughed.

"Man those strawberries are good" she smiled.

"I hope, alright, can you help me wrap these and then I'll get dressed, we will run to the store and get some coolers and then we can head out?" Calista smiled and handed her friend the cling wrap to cover the cookie tray.

They spent a few minutes covering everything before Calista went upstairs, she brushed her hair out and put it into a half up and half down style before putting on a cute pink and yellow summer dress and a pair of pink flip flops.

She packed a bathing suit in her bag and grabbed a towel.

She heard a knock from Jess on her door.

"Yo, you ready to run? It's almost 3" she said poking her head in the doorway.

"Yeah let's go" she smiled.

The two walked the short walk to the corner store and bought a case of Bacardi Rum Punch's, before walking back to the house.

"Alright it's 3:35, so I'll call the Uber now" Calista said.

She called it and headed back into the kitchen to grab her baked items.

They waited a few minutes before loading all the treats into the trunk and getting inside.

They drove over to Mariah and Colby's, they saw a few other cars parked out front.

Thanking the driver, they unloaded the snacks and headed up towards the house, Calista walked right in instead of waiting for Mariah to answer the door.

"MAR!" She shouted as she placed the trays down on the counter.

They looked around and saw Colby coming inside from the backdoor.

"Hey! Glad you made it, here, lemme take those and pop them into the ice cooler that Mariah set up for y'all" Colby said grabbing the alcohol from Jess.

"Thanks, that shit is heavy" Jess laughed.

"No problem, Mariah set up a cooler for you so that when you got here you could stick your stuff inside. You can leave the trays here, I'm sure that Mariah will place it when she finishes setting up the table" Colby smiled and walked them out to the back door and into the backyard.

Upon entering they noticed a few friends already standing around chatting with each other and Mariah setting up all the food on the long table that spreads against the fence in the backyard.

"Babe!" Colby shouted getting Mariah's attention before walking away to the cooler.

"Oh hi!!" Mariah said running over to her friends.

"Hey, it looks great back here" Calista smiled and hugged her.

"Yeah, your house is so nice" Jess said before hugging her as well.

"Thank you! You guys are welcome anytime!" Mariah smiled "You brought swimsuits right?"

"I did, but I totally forgot that Jess is only visiting and didn't pack for swimming" Calista laughed.

"Yeah, wasn't expecting to be attending a pool party" Jess laughed.

"Oh girl, I have like 10, some never worn! Follow me!" Mariah laughed and grabbed Jessica's hand before walking away.

"Okay, I'll just wait here then" Calista laughed.

She walked around for a few minutes saying hi to a few friends before hearing a familiar voice.

Turning around she saw Colby and Sam walking into the backyard toward her.

She looked fixed her hair and met them halfway.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Hey, how're you?" Sam said giving her a hug.

"I'm good, how are you?" She said back.

"Great, starving" he laughed.

"Oh god me too, I had to stop Jess from eating all my cheesecake batter this morning" Calista laughed.

The two watched as Colby set Sam's food down on the table before turning around and going back inside.

The two chatted about small things for a while before Jess and Mariah came back out dressed in bathing suits and carrying out the dessert trays.

"I should go help them, but I'll come back" she smiled. 

"I'll be waiting" he smiled back before walking and grabbing himself a beer from his cooler.

Calista made her way over to the kitchen and grabbed the last tray before walking over to the girls.

They set up the table for a few minutes, unwrapping everything and putting out plates and napkins.

"Perfect, as always!!" Mariah squealed excitedly.

"Thank you, thank you" Calista said with a proud grin.

"Alright, go get your suit on and join us" Mariah said shooing her away.

"Okay okay" Calista laughed and headed into the house.

She got changed and headed back into the backyard.

Noticing that a few more people arrived when she was talking to Sam, she said her hellos and thanked everyone for the compliments on her treats.

She walked to the pool and saw a couple friends in the pool.

She placed her towel on a chair and cannonballed into the pool beside Mariah, earning a yelp and an angry look for ruining her hair.

She relaxed in the pool talking to friends and enjoying the day.

She could get used to this. All of the most important people in her life in one place.


I promise the romance is COMING!! 😭

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