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The two girls pulled up to Sam's house and Mariah sent a text message to Sam but got no response.

The two girls walked up to Sam's door and knocked, again not response.

"I don't like this" Mariah said.

"Me neither" Jade said quietly.

The two girls opened the door using his spare key and held onto each other.

"SAM!" Mariah shouted as the two looked around.

"Sam!" Jade shouted too, they both walked around the house looking for him before Jade noticed the open back door.

"Mariah?" She said in a loud whisper.

"What?" She said in the same tone.

Jade just pointed to the open door.

The two walked over to it and looked around outside.

"I don't see anything?" Jade said.

"Me either"

"Well where is he?" She asked.

"I don't know?" Mariah replied.

Mariah decided to call Colby.

"Hey, he's not here? His back door was open but there no sign of him. Yeah. I don't know? Maybe" the two chatted and Jade kept looking around.

She was getting ready to walk up the porch steps when she notices something under the step reflecting off the porch light.

She bent down to pick it up noticing it was Sam's phone.

"Mariah!!" She shouted causing the girl to come running.

"What is that?" She asked.

"Sam's phone. We need to call the police. Now" Jade said panicked.

Mariah immediately dialled the police, but before calling Jades phone pinged in her pocket. Pulling it out she noticed a text from an unknown number, the two read it.

Unknown: You tell the police about anything. Sam doesn't make it till tomorrow. More instructions to follow.

"Oh god, Mariah" Jade said crying and looking around.

"What do we do?" Mariah asked.

"I think we go see Colby. We tell him what's going on. We wait for the next text. Let's go, now" Jade said suddenly feeling uneasy she started walking up the steps, trying to get Mariah to get out of there quickly.

"Uh okay" Mariah said following behind her.

The two locked up Sam's house and hurried over to Mariah's car.

They got back into her car and Mariah started to speak.

"What're-" Mariah was cut off by Jade shushing her.

Mariah gave her a 'what?' face not understanding what Jade was doing.

They pulled up to Mariah's house and the two girls walked into the house.

"Colby!" Mariah said and Colby came down the stairs.

Mariah watched as Jade walked around the house looking around at stuff in the house.

"What're you doing?" Mariah asked.

"Gimme your phones" she said.

"Uh why?" Colby asked.

"Just do it"

Jade grabbed all the phones, including Sam's and her own and left them on the counter.

"Come here. Both of you" Jade said dragging the two of them into the spare bathroom on the main floor.

"Is she loosing her mind?" Colby chuckled.

Jade moved everything in the bathroom before talking.

"I think he's watching us. 24/7. Did you notice how he knew we were gonna call the police? He sent that message after you said you were going to call them" Jade explained

"Oh my god. You think he bugged the house?" Mariah gasped.

"I'm thinking we can't be too careful" Jade said.

"What has our life become?" Colby said staring at the ceiling.

"God you guys I'm so unbelievably sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with this. Sam shouldn't have to deal with this" Jade said trying not to cry.

"No Jade, I'm glad you aren't going through this alone. Okay? You have us" Mariah said.

"So what do we do?" Colby asked.

"I think we have to just wait for the next text message" Mariah said.

"Yeah, I agree" Jade said.

"But who knows how long that will take?" Colby asked.

"I'm gonna call Caleb, he can track anyone. Maybe he can help us" Mariah said.

"Alright but let's be careful" Jade said.

The three walked out of the bathroom and went about their day as normally as they could. Jade stayed at their house for the night, afraid to be alone.

They spent the entire night searching for any cameras hidden in their house.

They ended up finding one in the master bedroom, one in the kitchen and another in the living room.

Smashing them to bits was all they could do.


The next morning a man showed up at the front door of Mariah and Colby.

He walked in with a large bag.

"Caleb, thank you so much for coming" Mariah said hugging him.

"You know I owe you one, and I also wanted an excuse to see my sister" he smiled.

"I missed you" she said before letting go.

"Hey Caleb" Colby said giving him a bro hug.

"Hey Colby" he said.

"This is our friend Jade, she's the one who's gonna be giving you the information" Colby said stepping to the side.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Hey" he said back before walking into the kitchen and putting two separate laptops on the counter and plugging them into each other.

"Alright, so tell me everything you know" he said.

Jade spent the next 20 mins giving him a rundown of everything she knew about her husband.

"Alright, so from what I can see, he's staying at the Marriott on Claude. And the last time he used his bank account was last night, and he used it to buy something at the pawn shop? And then before that, he transferred someone named John Ohallen, 700$ but I can't see what? And he hasn't used it since" Caleb explained.

"John Ohallen? The guy who has all that property on Trout lake?" Mariah asked, she opened up her phone on a private tab, and looked up the address on trout lake.

The group looked at the satellite view of the property and seeing plenty of trees, abandoned cars, bins and large storage containers.

"Oh I don't like that" Jade said getting chills down her spine.

"Yeah me neither" Colby said looking over at her concerned.



Buried Secrets || Sam Golbachحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن