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1 Month Later.

It had been a month since the group had moved into the cottage with Sam. Mariah and Colby have done nothing but make phone calls making sure their work was going okay and being there for Sam.

It was 4:30 in the afternoon when Sam received a call.

(PI- Private Investigator)

PI: Good Afternoon Mr. Golbach. I hope you're having a good night.

S: Hey Sean, it's going good. How's yours?

PI: Well I'll tell you. I have been scouting, and I found a bunch of information on your boy.

S: wait really?

PI: yes, would you like to hear it?

S: uh yeah, gimme a sec.

Sam walked into the living room and called everyone in before putting it on speaker.

S: alright Sean, we're listening.

PI: alright so I was tracking a few of the law firms he has his hand in and found that he not only works for one law firm but for SIX different small law firms in the Seattle area.

S: and that's a bad thing?

PI: it's a very strange thing, because 4 of those law firms are not even functioning law firms. Which means they're either Under construction or closed for a management swap? You know what that tells me?

S: what?

PI: that tells me that there should be no income generating in those firms. But LAST MONTH the revenue on those firms was in the MILLIONS.

The group looked around at each other confused.

C: wait so what're you saying? That he's laundering money through these businesses?

PI: that is EXACTLY what I'm saying.

J: holy shit. No wonder he has money.

PI: Want to know the best part?

S: always.

PI: His business work is SLOPPY. Which means that it would be EASY to get our hands on any financial information that he has and prove that the money is generating from him. So we give our case to a judge, we request a warrant for any financial information and any computers, phones and even text records. BAM. We can search for any proof of his shady deals and it's a guarantee he ends up in jail.

S: not to burst the bubble but that sounds too easy?

Sam hesitated. The group heard the PI deep sigh.

PI: Unfortunately you are right. We need a real legal reason to call up a judge and ask for a warrant in the first place because going off of suspicion alone isn't good enough. In other words-

M: we need proof.

The group sits and thinks on what to do.

Sam suddenly speaks up.

S: And what if I come home? What if I speak out about what happened to me? About what Justin did or what happens if I speak out about the polices credibility for miss pronouncing my death? Would that be enough?

PI: Realistically.. yes and with the accusation of kidnapping and attempted murder, he'll most likely be locked up until trial, but Sam you need to understand something, if you speak out in the public about Justin and call out the police for their negligent conduct in the force.. nobody can guarantee your safety.

J: No. No we aren't risking your life Sam.

M: I agree. It's too dangerous.

S: guys. I have to go home eventually.

C: he can't stay here forever.


Jade stood up and walked out of the room.

"Jade! Come on!" Sam said following behind her.

"No Sam. I cannot lose you! Not again!" She shouted at him.

"Jade. You aren't going to lose me. I will be with you. I am not going to back down to this monster and let him win. I need to fight him" he said.

"Please, Im so scared" she started to cry.

"I'm not going anywhere" Sam wrapped his arms around the girl and held her close.

The two stood for a minute before walking back into the room.

PI: Let me know when you decide to go home, I will fly out there and bring you all of the findings.

S: thank you Sean. You are the best.

PI: Eh, I picked a good job for a nosey guy.

The group laughed before hanging up.

They sat in silence for a moment before deciding when to bring their boy home.



Justin was driving around the town of Sedona when he noticed a dark black pickup truck driving full speed down the street.

He immediately recognized it as Colby's.

He knew that something was wrong. But what?

He decided to follow behind them and see what they were planning.

After about 10 mins Justin was shocked to see them pull up to the police station.

Parking but not getting out yet.

He put on his jacket and baseball cap before making his way into the police station.

Sitting in the waiting area he watched as the group got out of the vehicle.

He watched as Mariah, Colby and finally his wife, Calista walked into the building and straight up to the police chief who looked as though he was waiting for them.

Justin felt his heart racing as Colby started to talk to the chief in a hushed tone.

Justin sat up in his chair as the door opened once more to reveal Sam.

He walked into the police station and was met with an audible gasp from everyone in the building. Every police officer stood or sat in shock.

The desk agents stared at him as if they had seen a ghost. 

The chief stared at him before turning to Officer Matthias, who stood there looking dumbfounded.

Matthias was the lead investigator in Sam's disappearance and the officer who announced Sam Golbach deceased.

Matthias watched Sam with shock before turning to look at Justin, who was now standing watching the scene unfold before his eyes.

"Fuck" Justin mumbled under his breath before turning to walk out the door before being stopped by two police officers.

"Justin Anders, you are now under arrest for the attempted kidnapping and murder of Samuel Golbach. And the murder of Chris Nicholson" the police chief said putting the cuffs on the man.


Hey everyone! I'll be a hundred percent honest with you, I wrote out this chapter and then decided I HATED it. So I scrapped the whole thing and restarted.

So I know I'm late but I hope you guys love it.

Also I will now be referring her as "Calista" instead of Jade because there is no reason to keep her identity a secret.

Edited- April 5, 2025 !!

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