The Graduate

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It's grad season and it's all over my social media soooo here you go!!

Having green on your doctoral robes means you're involved in the life sciences—it all depends on the shade of green but it's physical science, medicine, hygiene, health, etc.

A DHS is a doctor of health science!!

"This hat totally makes my head look dumb. It's smushing down my hair weird." Will fixed his cap in the mirror.

"It's not that bad." Nico reassured.

"It looks like a pancake." He frowned in the mirror.

"You look great."

Will turned to face his husband, standing in his full doctoral robes. "It's horrible, isn't it?"

"Amore," Nico laughed, "you look fantastic. Green stripes suit you."

"They don't."

"Being a double doctor suits you."

Will smiled. "Yeah?"

"I'm even more attracted to you now, Dr. Dr. William Di Solace, MD, DHS." Nico grabbed Will's hand and squeezed it. "But this means no more school. You're done."

"Unless I try for a third. Maybe I can get my PhD. Or my EdD. Or even my JD and go to law school!"

"Then you can be your own lawyer for the divorce. Because I am not dealing with Midnight Thesis Will again."

Will sighed with a smile. "I promise I'm done."

"Mhm. That's what I thought." Nico reached over to tuck a loose strand of blonde hair under Will's cap. "You look great, amore."

"Thank you, my love." Will grinned. "For loving me regardless of my dumb hat and supporting me getting my degree."

"Of course. We have to support each other. You supported me going to night school to finish getting all of my credits to get my high school diploma. And then you supported me getting my associates and bachelors."

"We are one very well-educated pair."

"Indeed we are." Nico squeezed Will's hand again. "Now c'mon. Your mom will try to take Bianca home with her if we leave them alone for any longer."

"Hold on, I need to put my jewelry on." Will ran to his nightstand to grab his ring, as well as the skull ring on a chain that Nico had given him ages ago.

He handed the necklace to Nico. "Can you help me?"

Nico took the necklace and clicked his tongue as he fastened it around Will's neck. "I can't believe you still wear this thing."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because it's silly."

"Not to me."

Will turned back to Nico. "It's not silly to me because it's you."

Nico tucked the necklace under the collar of Will's shirt. "I love you."

"I love you." Will kissed him softly.

Nico sighed into the kiss, pulling him closer.

Will smiled against the kiss, trying to pull Nico even closer.

"Boys! Hurry up! We're going to be late!" Naomi called from downstairs.

They pulled apart from the kiss, a little disappointed.

"Ugh. I have to be an educated adult and get my degree." Will adjusted the collar of Nico's shirt from where he had held the back of Nico's head closer.

"Bummer." Nico fixed Will's tie again.

"We're so grown up."

"Look at us. Degrees. A baby. We're so good."

"So good."

"William! Nico! Come on!" Naomi called again.

"C'mon. Let's go."  Nico grabbed Will's hand and pulled him downstairs, where Naomi was holding Bianca in her arms.

Naomi passed Bianca to Nico, then held her son's face in her hands. "I'm so proud of you, pumpkin."

"Thanks, Ma."

"I am so proud. Of your achievements, of your life you've built for yourself. I love you."

"I love you too, Ma."

"Dadadaa daaa!" Bianca cooed, opening and closing her little fists at Will.

"She wants you." Nico laughed.

Will happily took her into his arms. "Hi, sweet pea!"

Bianca smiled and put her hands on her dad's face. "Daa dadada!"

"Daddy's graduating today! No more school for me! No more school for Daddy!" Will playfully cooed, shaking his head back and forth.

Bianca shook her head too.

"No more!" He blew a raspberry onto her cheek, which made her erupt into a fit of giggles.

Nico grabbed Will by the elbow and guided him out the door so they wouldn't be late.

They were on time, luckily, and had no problem finding their seats.

And when Will's name was called, they were the ones who cheered the loudest.

The end!!!

WC: 725

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