Ladies Man

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based on my strong belief that Young Dad Will With No Wife is like every straight woman's downfall

(this sort of interaction happens FREQUENTLY)

(Will is also clueless half the time and accidentally leads these women on after multiple unfortunate miscommunication attempts)

"Smash or pass... oh! That guy at the bar!" One of the bachelorettes giggled over the rim of her martini.

Another one in a matching bathing suit made a face. "That bald guy with the really hairy back? How is he bald but yet so furry?"

A third snorted with laughter, taking another sip from her fruity cocktail.

The first one, who proudly wore her maid of honor pin on her wide-brimmed sun hat, shook her head. "No! Not him! The cute blonde with the sash across his chest!"

The gaggle of women all stared at whoever she pointed to. They all squealed in drunken laughter. "Smash!"

The maid of honor turned to the bride-to-be, who was wearing a different color than the others. "Smash or pass the bar guy?"

The bride scrunched her nose. "Pass."

"Boo! You suck! You're just saying that because you're all engaged and whatever."

"Nah. He's just not my type." The bride replied simply. "Hey, if you're so into him, ask if you can buy him a drink."

The maid of honor blushed over her sunburnt cheeks. "Ok. I'll do it if you come with me."


They stood up from their lounge chairs and wobbled on their feet before walking over to the bar.


Will stepped up to the counter, finally getting to speak to the bartender after a long line. "Hey, good afternoon. Can I get two virgin daiquiris, please?"

"What, no alcohol?" One of the women asked beside him.

"No. I'm not really a day drinker." Will smiled politely at them, and acknowledged the buttons on their hats. "Congratulations on the engagement."

The maid of honor pointed at her friend. "She's the one getting tied down. I'm single."


She noticed how Will's hand rested gently on the bundle tied around his chest. "What's that you got there? Carrying all your towels with you?"

Will looked down, smiled, and lifted the corner of the wrap to show her a small blond head underneath. "Oh, that's my son."

"Oh, how precious." The woman swooned. "What's his name?"

"Michael." Will beamed with pride.

"And what's his daddy's name?" She examined the hand that was supporting the baby wrap. No ring.

"I'm Will." He extended his other hand to shake hers. "Nice to meet you."

No ring there, either.

"Lindsey. Pleasure's all mine. So, what brings you here?"

"Family vacation. My son and daughter don't really get to see beaches like this where we live."

"Where are you from?"

"New York. I teach medicine to high schoolers, so I have summers off."

Medicine? Hello Doctor Sexy. "So, you said you have a family, hm? Is your other kid..."

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