Take a break!

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Will Solace is just a people pleaser and that's ok.

"William." Chiron said. "Wake up."

Kayla scoffed. "That won't work. He's from Texas." She cleared her throat. "WILL-YUM! SOOOO-WEEE!"

"I'm not a pig, Kayla. I can wake up like a normal person." Will groaned and turned over in his bed. "It's like six thirty in the morning...what do you want?"

"The rock climbing wall practically collapsed."

Will shot up, pulling his covers over his bare chest. "What?"

His eyes darted between his sister and Chiron standing by his bed, towering over him.

"Yeah. Incident at the lava wall. Get dressed and make haste." Chiron turned and clopped out of the Apollo Cabin, Kayla on his heels-er... hooves.

Will cussed and scrambled out of bed, hastily running to put his clothes on. He pulled his head haphazardly through the designated hole in his shirt and shoved his feet into mismatched shoes before hurrying out of the door.

"Ok, let's go," he panted, slightly out of breath.

Kayla made a pointed glance at his sneaker-Van combo, but didn't say anything. "Alright, right this way."

"Why are people on the rock wall at six?"

"It's almost 7:30."

"Still an ungodly hour to be climbing something." Will muttered. "Ok, so. How many injuries are we dealing with?"

"Some with broken bones and other fall-related injuries. Others have trauma from the falling rocks, and the other others have severe burns from the lava. Some unfortunate souls have a mix."

"So... a full infirmary?"

"I think we'd be pushing carrying capacity."

"Shit. Ok.... No casualties, right?"


"Ok, that's good."

They approached the entrance to the Big House, where the infirmary was. Will was too distracted to judge where the step up was, so he tripped and fell on his ankle. He felt the bone snap. He cried out in pain.

"You good?" Kayla asked.

"Mhm. Just tripped and fell weird. No biggie." Will lied and stood back up. "I just twisted my ankle. Let's go."

He hobbled awkwardly into the infirmary, where dozens of campers were laying in the beds with their various injuries.

Will pushed his blond curls out of his face with the fine-toothed headband he keeps in the infirmary, shrugged on the crisp white doctor's coat, washed his hands, and began his rounds.

He plastered a big smile on his face as he greeted each camper individually, some of them less than ten years old. He promised that he would help them and heal them and take the pain away, and they nodded their little heads, desperate to believe him.

"Here, hold my hand." Will offered his open palm to a young camper. "You can trust me."

They took it nervously and placed their bloody knuckles in his hand.

Will pushed healing magic from his person, a glowing warmth spreading up the camper's scraped and bruised arm. All the wounds were healed.

The young camper smiled at him. "Thanks."

"It's my pleasure, kid." Will wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and moved onto the next person.

As he consoled each of his patients, he found himself to be leaning on miscellaneous pieces of furniture to keep the weight off of his foot.

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