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TW: brief mention of past trauma & therapy, brief mention of divorce, LOTS of swearing
"What happened to my warrior?"

Nico felt himself look up at the goddess.

"Go on, respond." Akhlys smiled at him, her voice echoing in his head. "Unless you're scared of me."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hades' champion! What ever happened to that Nico?" She faked a frown. "He was so much more fun!"

Nico looked at his surroundings. Everything was just dark.

"Don't bother. We both know that it's just a nightmare."

"Why am I here, Akhlys?"

"I wanted to chat. See how much has changed since I last saw you."

"I'm not the person I was before."

"Clearly!" You were the most powerful demigod of your time and now..." The goddess shrugged. "You spend your time playing house-husband with your precious blonde and two kiddos."

"I'm just as powerful as I used to be. I just know how to control it."

"Gods, you're pitiful. You used to be my perfect specimen, Nico Di Angelo. So much more excitement back then, hmm."


"Don't even start. The most excitement you get now is when groceries are on sale. Admit it already. You've gotten old." She stepped closer. "You're weak."

"I'm not old or weak, Akhlys. You're just trying to screw with me."

"Maybe. Maybe not." She smiled at him again. "You'll have to figure that out for yourself."

Nico's feet felt wet all of a sudden, so he looked down to see black water pooling at his feet. In his reflection, his dark hair was slowly turning gray by the second. He ran his hands through it.

"You know... you're more likely to go gray than your blonde loverboy. It's just science."

"Stop fucking with me."

"Aww, but it's so much fun! Why can't we have fun like we used to?"

"I've already told you. I'm not who I used to be."

"Ah, but I think the old Nico is still alive inside of you. You've just repressed him." She poked him in the chest with a sharp fingernail.

Nico swallowed and held his chin up. "I'm not miserable anymore."

"Ah, but that's the beautiful thing! Misery is eternal! If you're not miserable now, you will be very soon!"

"You're insufferable."

"You shouldn't be talking to a goddess like that, foolish boy." She hissed.

"We're old friends though, aren't we?" Nico muttered.

Akhlys clapped her hands together and laughed. "Told you! Nico, Nico, Nico. I knew you were hiding somewhere."

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