"Best Birthday Ever"

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Bianca and Michael pushed the bedroom door open with a slight creak. They tiptoed into their dads' bedroom, careful to not make any more noise.

Will laid sleeping on his stomach, snoring. His arm was thrown over Nico's sleeping body, which was sprawled across his side of the bed. A bead of drool oozed from his mouth.

Bianca ushered her brother closer. Michael hovered over Nico.

Bianca gave the count down on her fingers. 3...2...1...


Will awoke with a snort, and Nico jolted awake. He startled when his eyes opened and all he saw were Michael's.

"Wha-" Will grumbled.

Nico sat up groggily and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Oh, thank you guys."

"Happy...birthday!" Bianca exclaimed, jumping onto the bed. As she landed, her knee hit Nico directly in the crotch. She hugged him.

Nico groaned. "Thank you sweetheart."

"Are you ok?" Will whispered.

Nico nodded, tears in his eyes. "Yep. Great."

"Are you crying, Papa?" Bianca asked, examining his face. "Did we do something wrong?"

Nico shook his head. "No, Bia. I'm just... so moved... that you guys would do this for me on my birthday. These are tears of joy. Thank you."

Bianca smiled, her two front teeth missing. "We have more plans. Daddy said that this birthday was extra special 'cause it's your thirtieth."

"You two certainly made it special." Nico wince-smiled.

"Can we bring you breakfast in bed?"

"You know you're not allowed to touch the oven."

"We were gonna make you cereal."

"Then yes."

Bianca grabbed her brother's wrist and pulled him out of the room.

Nico groaned and finally doubled over. "Holy shit. Mother of Hades, that fucking hurt."

Will rubbed his back. "There, there."

Nico groaned. "Ughhh."

"Remind me to wear a jock strap on my birthday."


"Rough start, huh?"

"They mean well." Nico said, sitting back up slowly. "They're not going to be that cute and little forever. Fuck, I'm thirty now. Time flies."

"My little old man." Will kissed Nico's hair. "I'll try to make sure the kids don't create too much chaos. You just enjoy your birthday, ok?"

"Thanks, babe."

"Maybe you and I can celebrate tonight, hm?" Will pulled Nico close and kissed his shoulder. "Just you and me... after the kids go to bed..."

Bianca and Michael thundered up the stairs, and Nico shoved Will off.

Bianca held two glittery card in her hands. "We brought you your presents from us!"

Michael followed his sister slowly, trying not to spill the near-overflowing bowl of cereal.

Will got up to take the bowl from his son so he wouldn't have to scrub milk out of the carpet.

Nico smiled again. "All this for me?!"

Both Di Solace kids nodded.

He pat the bed beside him. Both kids crawled into bed with their fathers.

Bianca gave Nico the cards. "The glittery one is from me. The scribble-scrabble one is from Michael."

Will clicked his tongue. "Bianca, be nice."

"Sorry." Bianca pointed to the sparkly one. "Papa, read it."

"I'm going to read your brother's first since it's on top." Nico flipped it open. He read Michael's messy crayon, but he could clearly see the message. I love you Papa.

"Aww, I love you too." Nico kissed Michael's forehead.

"Do mine! Do mine!" Bianca tapped frantically on her card.

"Ok. Ok." Nico flipped the card open and read it. His smile continued to grow. "You added Italian."

"You always say it to me and Michael. Daddy helped me spell it."

Nico read the words over and over again. Ti Amo.

"I have the best kids ever." He grabbed them both and pulled them into a hug, kissing the tops of their heads.

"Happy birthday, Papa." Michael murmured.

"Happy birthday, Papa." Bianca cuddled closer to Nico.

Will joined in the hug. "Happy birthday, Neeks."


not me finishing 5 minutes after nico's birthday finished (in my time zone )



word count: 676

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