Mother (The Stand-In)

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NOT a sequel to "Mama"

i just couldn't come up with a fun creative title

pre-michael's birth so he genuinely doesn't exist yet I DIDNT FORGET ABOUT HIM AGAIN

Will and Nico stood in the line for pickup at Bianca's preschool, chatting about random nonsense while waiting for her class to be released for the day.

After a few minutes, Bianca came running out of the preschool with tears streaming down her face.

Will immediately crouched down to catch her in his arms. "Hey. Hey, what's the matter, sweet pea?"

Bianca's hands curled into fists as she grabbed  onto his shirt and sobbed into his chest.

Nico stroked her hair. "What's wrong, principessa?"

Her preschool teacher walked over to them, holding Bianca's backpack and lunchbox. "Good afternoon, Doctor and Mr. Di Solace."

They both stood, and Will continued to hold Bianca close to him. "Hey, Miss Stanton. What's going on?"

"Mother's Day is coming up soon, so we started making crafts to give to the childrens' moms after the pageant on Friday. Bianca got a little upset because she wouldn't have anyone there."

Will kissed Bianca on the top of her head. "Oh, honey. Is that true?"

Bianca nodded, wiping her tears and snot on his shoulder.

Nico shoved his hands in his pockets. "Can't we just come to the thing on Friday?"

Miss Stanton winced and shook her head. "Unfortunately it's for mothers and female guardians only, since it's for Mother's Day. We have another event for Father's Day that you are more than welcome to come to."

Nico blinked. "But she-"

"I know, and it is not meant to exclude the children with same-sex parents. I've had plenty in my class before. But we keep the two events separate because the PTA makes a huge fuss."

"Do those kids just have nobody there? They make crafts for nobody?"

"Usually they have a grandparent or aunt who comes and stands in for the missing parent."

Nico sighed. "That's so unfortunate."

Miss Stanton nodded sadly. "I know it is. I've been fighting for same-sex couples to participate for years. We should have a joint parent day or something."

Will smiled politely. "Thank you."

Nico took Bianca's bags and they walked to their car.

Will buckled her into her car seat. "I'm sorry, kiddo."

Bianca wiped her nose on the back of her hand. "S'okay."

"Papa and I are going to try to fix it, ok?"

"You are?"

Will glanced quickly at Nico in the driver's seat. "I promise. Do you remember what happens when Daddy promises?"

Bianca's lip quivered. "It comes true."

"It does." He kissed her on her forehead.

~~~mmmm time skip till Bianca gets settled down for bed at like 7:30~~~~~~

"What are we doing to do? I promised her that someone would be there." Will laid on their bed, watching the ceiling fan rotate.

"Grandparents are allowed. We can always call your mom." Nico suggested.

"She would probably love to come, but she's supposed to be touring and can't leave that."  Will craned his neck upward and looked at Nico. "What about Hazel? She said we can bring Bianca's aunt."

"Hazel would also probably love to come, but the trip all the way to New York is too last-minute, especially with her juggling her own kids." Nico paced around the room. "We can ask Annabeth? She's here."

"She'll be at Luke's preschool for his thing. The district does them both at the same time. I don't want her to have to juggle." Will sighed. "Damn. I can't think of-"

Nico snapped his fingers. "I got it. I know who's in New York for the next two weeks who is also a woman."

Will propped his head up again. "Spill."

Nico grinned and muttered her name.

"You're fucking brilliant."

"I'll call her right now."

~~~~~~time skip to friday~~~~~~~~~

The moms took their seats in the tiny plastic chairs, facing the large alphabet rug where their kids were lined up in height order. They sipped their apple juice out of their plastic champagne glasses, updating each other on their lives and gossiping about their husbands.

Bianca stood on the far left of the room on the side with the taller kids. She pulled on her flowery dress and nervously played with the big pink ribbons tied around her pigtails. When she looked around the room and spotted her empty chair, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Psst. Abejorrita." A voice whispered from the door. "Don't cry."

Bianca looked up at her nickname. She grinned. "You came!"

One woman stood out from all the others- Auntie Reyna, wearing a lavender sundress. Her long hair was tied back into a braid. "I came!"

Bianca bounced up and town on her toes in excitement. "I'm not allowed to hug you till after we sing 'cuz we have our spots."

Reyna nodded. "Spots are very important. I'll go find my spot."

"You can sit at my chair at my table. It's red and has princess stickers on it."

"Yes ma'am. I'll see you when you're all done, ok?"

Bianca nodded fervently.

Reyna took her seat and watched the kids sing an off-key rendition of Count on Me by Bruno Mars.

A/N: i actually had to sing that in like 2nd grade for MY mother's day thing so this is canonically a real thing

After the show, Bianca ran to her aunt.

Reyna clapped. "You were so great!"

"You came!"

"I heard you needed a fake mom." Reyna stood much taller than the other women, observing the room with perfect posture. "And I said I was glad to be there for mi sobrina."

"Thank you, Auntie Rey." They walked back to Bianca's table, hand in hand.

"Anything for you, ambejorrita." Reyna pulled out a small plastic plate that she had hidden, which was towering with mini donuts. "I stole these from the moms' greeting table. Do you want any?"

"Yes please!"



yet another unsatisfying ending from moi

had this idea at like 1:30 and had to see it through so ignore anything that doesn't make sense

WC: 1025

Solangelo TWO shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora