Kong POV

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Kong POV

I was not in the mood for bullshit today. My feelings were all over the place, and I knew that ment my heat was coming soon. I had been though enough heats now to recognize the signs. Even P'Arthit had become cautions of me over the last couple days. I had been snapping at everyone one minute, then wanting to cry the next. One joy of being pregnant is no heat. I didn't like the mood swings, or the amount of food I would eat. I remember my heat before getting pregnant. I would eat everything, and almost anything to the point of getting sick. Then there was the hot flashes. I hated those the most. I couldn't cuddle against my alpha at night because I was too hot.

"What is wrong with you?" Ming asked. He had come over to get away from Kit who in his words 'was being a crazy psycho omega'. I glared at him for that.

"You at the moment." I snapped. I was sitting on the floor, the twins babies in front of me, while the older twins ran around. "If you are going to be here, then help with the kids."

"Geeze you are just as cranky as Kit is." Ming stated. I turned around glaring at him.

"You every stop and think why Kit is cranky?" I asked looking him up and down. I started to feel a sharp pain in my stomach making me wince slightly.

"My Kit is always cranky, so not really." I place a hand on my stomach wincing again as another sharp pain hit's me.

"No, you fucking stupid alpha, it's because his heat is near." I watch Ming eyes go wide at me. It was like he didn't even realize Kit could go into heat.

"Oh shit...I forgot all about heat." He said I slowly stand up holding my stomach.

"Ming...take all four of my boys and leave...now..." I said groaning holding my stomach.

"What's wrong? Whats happening?" He asked worried.

"Heat...my heat started...go...now..." I moaned as I felt a gush of slick soak my pants. I felt safe with Ming here. I knew he wouldn't touch me. I knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me. "Alpha...I need my alpha..." I moaned again feeling myself growing hard.

"Calling him now, can you make it to your room?" Ming asked. I shook my head. There was no way I could make it upstairs.

"Hot...I'm hot..." I said resisting the urge to take my clothes off in front of the boys.

"Hello?" I quickly turned to face Ming hearing the sounds of my alpha.

"Kong is in heat. I'm taken the boys to my house." Ming said

"I'll be home in five minutes." Arthit said the line going dead. Ming looked at me as I flopped on the couch

"Can you wait that long?" he asked, as he gathered the younger twins stuff. I nodded my head

"Mommy smell funny" Korn said.

"Mommy smell sweet." Sonny said. If they can smell my heat, they truly were alphas. "mommy otay?" he asked. I could see the concern on his face.

"Mommy...okay..." I say breathing heavy. I was hard, crampy, hot, and leaking making a mess. All I wanted right now was to get naked and my alpha dick.

"Sonny...Korn...let's go see Lammy and Tan." Ming said, he had the twins already in their carseats and a bagged backed. It was a good thing I kept my living area stocked with everything the younger twins needed.

"LamLam!" Sonny shouted running towards the door. He had been upset that Ming showed up with his omega. Ming looked back at me; concern written all over his face.

"go..." I said breathing deeply. I needed him gone...I need the boys gone. I need to get my clothes off. I heard tire screeching, before a door slam shut. The sweet and spicy scent of my alpha hit me, as Ming open the door.

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