Chapter 35

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Neil was walking restlessly outside the OT trying to keep in but nothing could be seen. He was walking back and forth rubbing his palms and wiping the sweat on his forehead.

Neela: Neil, calm down, the trio would be fine. Nothing will happen to Avni and our little ones.

Neil: Mom it's been two hours now. She is in, crying and shouting my name. Doctors haven't even allowed me in. I am really stressed. She is in pain but I am unable to reduce it.

Just then Avni screams again very loudly and crying of two children can be heard. Neil looks at the door and his creases on forehead smoothen.

A nurse came holding his both the babies along with the doctor.

Neil: Doctor how is my wife? Is she fine?

Doctor: Mr. Khanna calm down, your wife is fine and also your two kids. See them so beautiful they are.

Neil looks at both his babies and with shivering hands hold his one baby and the nurse placed another in his arms carefully.

Doctor: Congratulations, it's a boy and a girl.

Neil smiles hearing this and one by one kisses foreheads of both of them. Neela and Shweta pick up the babies.

Neil: Can I see my wife please.

Doctor: Yes sure.

Neil entered the ward thanking the doctor and saw his wife sleeping there. He came towards her and starts caressing her head. She woke up feeling his touch and saw him.

Avni: Nei...Neil..babies

She said in a mere whisper voice.

Neil: Avni.. they are fine. It's a boy and a girl. Our prince and princess.

Avni smiles and Neil kisses her fist in his hands and then her forehead. Avni has tears in her eyes. Just then both the parents entered with their babies.
Avni saw them and smiled with teary eyes.

Ashish came and kissed his daughter's forehead caressing it same with Prakash. Neela and Shweta kept the babies in her chest and they slept there comfortably feeling their mother's warmth. She put her hands on their head with shivering hands and they snuggled more in her.

They were slightly sucking near her chest signing that they are hungry. Everyone went out on the orders of nurse and Neil was also going when she held his hand and requested him to stay.

The nurse helped her to stand and latch the babies mouth to her breast and left from there.

Neil: If you are uncomfortable I can go out.

Avni: If I was ever uncomfortable with you, these two wouldn't be here.

Neil blushes a little at this and Avni smiles seeing him.

Avni: Sharma gaye Mr. Khanna.

( Are you shy Mr. Khanna? )

Neil smiles and quickly gives her a peck.

A few months were passed and now their kids were 6 months old. They are also done with thier naming ceremony.

 They are also done with thier naming ceremony

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Our little munchkins Nirved and Aadvika.

They were playing on the bed with their father when their mother entered the room freshening up early morning. All three looked at her and were mesmerized by her.

Avni: Why you all are looking at me like that?

Neil: We are lost in you beauty.

The babies also make some childish sound supporting Neil's statement.
Avni shook her head at them and asked to get ready and they have to leave.

All four have planned to go on a day trip spending some time with eachother.
First they visit the temple and seek blessings from the god and continue their trip to a nearby park. They enjoyed themselves there and cam back home in evening.

Avni is standing at the balcony looking at the moon. Neil came and backhugged her tightly and kissed her cheeks. Avni smiles.

Avni: How fast the night changes na Neil? Earlier we don't use to even talk and now we are blessed with two kids. It is said rightly that whatever happens, it happens for good.

Neil: You are right Avni. I really feel like beating myself now black and blue for behaving like that with you. But the moment I realised my love for you, I totally changed myself. The workaholic person turned into someone who find excuses to come back home from work.

They both laugh.

Neil: I never thought that this Arrange Marriage would work but it really worked out.

Avni: Not Arranged Marriage Neil it's Arranged Love.

Neil: Rightly said wifey.

Avni turns in his arms and locks her arms around his neck.

Avni: I love you.

Neil: I love you more.

Babies: We oubvv uu

They said we love you in babyish voice.
AvNeil looked at them and went and picked them up.

Avneil: We Love You both.

They kissed their cheeks and the babies giggled. Avni also laughs and Neil pulls her and hugged his three lifelines. And then they lived Happily Ever After with lots of love and fun.

......................................................................... this story finally comes to an end.
Thank you for giving all the love and support you have been giving from the start till end to the story.

Do read  my next story Struggles To Live which I would start uploading from tomorrow ig.

Enjoy reading.

Love Love 😊

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