Chapter 26

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Avni was standing near the window thinking something. She came out of her thoughts when she felt two hands wrapping around her. Knowing who it is she leaned her head on his shoulder. He held her tightly and kept his chin on her shoulder.

Neil: Finally, we got some privacy.

Saying this he kissed her cheeks. She smiled at him lightly. He thought something and asked.

Neil: You heard my and Bua's conversation right?

Avni looks at him and doesn't say anything. Neil turns her around.

Avni: Neil, if everyone really wants a baby then I am ready for it I don't mind..

Her lips were trembling.

Neil: Everyone wants it, everyone is ready for it, but you are not, we are not.

Avni looks at him.

Neil: Avni come on we are not going to bring our baby in this world on someone else's saying. Yeah he or she wants us to have a baby so we are having it. No Avni. Why are you taking her words so seriously. That poor minded woman, she can not even be called a woman. Being a woman how can she something like that for another. I just don't understand. And yes I am not going to plan my baby in someone's pressure. Our relationship has just started to be on the track please I request you not to do anything forcefully in our relationship on someone else's words please.

Avni looks at him with teary eyes and a smile. He cupped her face and wiped her tears.

Neil: Avni, whenever you feel that I am taking some steps further in our relationship for which you are not ready or whenever I come close to you and feel uncomfortable don't ever I repeat don't ever hesitate to protest. When you feel such a way just say NEIL NO, loud and clear okay.

Avni: I never feel uncomfortable around you. Why would I feel like that?

Neil: Really?

Avni nods and puts his hand on her waist and pulls her close. Her hand goes on his chest and she smiles. He leans towards her ears.

Neil: Then what you feel around me.

He saying this bite her ears lightly.
Avni smiles and hits his chest lightly.

Avni: Back on your single track mind.

Neil makes an innocent face in front of her. Avni smiles and kisses his cheek and keeps her head on his chest. He wraps his hands around her. After sometime he turns her around and keeps his chin on her shoulder.

Avni: Neil..

Neil: Hmm.

Avni: Shweta mom or Prakash dad didn't ask you this thing?

Neil: Which thing?

Avni: This our baby and all.

Neil: When mom was here she asked me when are we planning and all but I said her that we need time our relationship just started to mend up and all. She also agreed and said that whenever we feel comfortable we can plan. And if I force you to do this then she'll give me tight slap.

Avni laughs and Neil also laughs listening her.

Neil: No but seriously she is fine with whenever we plan it. But let's just plan something for you right now.

Avni: As in?

Neil: As in, will you join our company as a partner.

Avni turns around and looks at him.

Neil: Avni now your fear is known to me and I'll try to help you with it in every possible way. I also know everything about Bua now, and now I told you not consider her words as no one does in the family seriously. Dad also asked mom to do the same thing. She also taunted her in many ways, you're not alone. Even I was taunted many times.

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