Chapter 2

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In the evening, Avni was sitting on the sofa in the living room when Neil came home back from office and went upstairs to his room without even looking at her for a second. Avni after keeping all the utensils in the basin went upstairs only to see Neil all slept in a deep sleep. She sighed and laid down on the bed on her side and slept. Next morning she get up only to see the other side of the bed empty. She saw in the bathroom but Neil was not there. She checked everywhere in the house but he was not there. She thought that he left for office but was tensed for him. So she came back into the room and called Neil. He didn't picked it up so she again called him but he didn't picked up again. At when she called for telhe third time finally he picked up and Neil asked.

On call:

Neil: Avni, why are you calling me again and again. I am busy.

Before Avni could speak a word the call ends. Avni smiled on her fate sadly. Any women who had a marriage whether arranged or love expects equal time from her husband but here Avni's all expectations had come to an end. She don't even now expect anything from him. She just thinks that atleast he should talk to her. But he doesn't even do that. Avni got engaged in her daily routine. Then she called Neela.

On call:

Avni: Hello mumma how are you?

Neela: I am fine child how are you?

Avni: Very fine. How is dad?

Neela: Fit and Fine as always. You say, what about Neil, all well?

Avni: Yes Mumma all well.

Neela: So what is the anniversary plan? Tomorrow is your anniversary, you remember right?

Avni: Yes mumma obviously and Neil has planned so much that the whole day's schedule is fixed. Shweta mom and Prakash dad would not be able to come to Mumbai as they are required to attend someone's wedding.

Neela: Actually yes, I and Ashish also have to go out for a business meet.

Avni: So you would also not come right?

Neela: Yes.

Avni: Okay no problem but when are you leaving?

Neela: In next 2 hours.

Avni: You are leaving in next two hours and telling me now.

Neela: Child  I also got to know now.

Avni: Okay so I am coming there to meet you.

Neela: Bring Neil along with you. We would wish you both in advance.

Avni: Mumma Neil is a little busy today so I don't think he would come.

Neela: Okay okay no problem. You come then.

Avni: I would be there in half an hour.

Neela: Okay.

Avni: Byee.

Call ends.

Avni looks at her phone and then she tries to call Neil but the call shows that the number she is trying to call is switched off. Avni sighs sadly and goes to Neela house and then bids them a bye after sometime and come back home. She went in the kitchen to make dinner just then she receives a call. She comes and gets happy to see the caller ID.

On call:

Avni: Hello Neil.

Neil: Today I am having dinner with my clients so I would be late.

Avni: Okayy..

Call ends.

Avni sighs sadly and went in the kitchen.


Sorry for delay.

Enjoy reading.

Love Love 😊

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