Chapter 5

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Neil is working in his cabin when Shreya came in and said.

Shreya: Ohh come on Neil it is 9 p.m. let's have dinner come on. Today I am alone so please can you accompany me?

Neil remembers.


Avni: You would be late I know no problem. You will have dinner at home or in the office itself with your friends or clients?

Neil: I would have it at home.

Flashback ends.

Neil: I am sorry Shreya but I asked Avni to make my dinner at home and she would have made it so it would get wasted. We will go some other day. Hope you don't mind.

Shreya: It is okay. Can I ask you a question?

Neil nods.

Shreya: How many times did you went on a date or for dinner with your wife?

Neil thinking what to answer.

Shreya: Wait don't tell me you never went on a date or dinner with her.

Neil: No we went on a dinner with family you saw the photos right?

Shreya: Ohh dear Neil, there is a lot (emphasis on lot) of difference between going with family and going alone with your wife.

Neil: So what we live alone at home right?

Neil start winding up his things.

Shreya: Your parents don't live with you?

Neil: I told you right they live in Delhi.

Shreya: Ohh yeah. Btw, one more thing I need to ask do you talk the same way as you do to me?

Neil: Like ?

Shreya: Like rude, uninterested. Goshh how is she even living with you. If I was dating some guy like this I would have dumped him the moment.

Shreya shook her head side to side in frustration. Neil looks at her and remembers that he doesn't even talk to Avni, he talks to her only if he has some work or need to tell something.

Shreya: You look so boring Neil Khanna. You have a handsome face but you are a boring personality.

Neil: Flirting and insulting at the same time. Great!!!

Shreya: You deserve that.

Neil(frowning): What flirting?

Shreya: No insulting. But forget that, why don't you talk to your wife the same as you do to me, atleast you talk but I don't think that you even speak at home.

Neil: There is a difference between you and her.

Shreya: What difference? She is a girl I am a girl, She has two eyes two ears one nose two hands and legs and I have the same and she is beautiful so as I am. What is difference?

Neil: It is not about any physical difference. It is about you are my friend and she is my wife. Friends don't judge but wives..

Neil interrupted by Shreya.

Shreya: Who said Friends don't judge. They do you know wives never judge because they are the soulmates of their husbands who take their sides even if they are wrong.

Neil: Enough of your conversation, I need to go home now.

Neil leaves from there without even talking to her or bidding her a bye.
He sat in his car driving towards his house remembering everything.


1. Shreya: do you talk the same way as you do to me?

Neil: Like ?

Shreya: Like rude, uninterested. Goshh how is she even living with you.

2. Neil: There is a difference between you and her. You are my friend and she is my wife.

Neil:  Friends don't judge but wives..
Shreya: Who said Friends don't judge. They do you know wives never judge because they are the soulmates of their husbands who take their sides even if they are wrong.

3. Avni's face full of disappointment.

Flashback ends.

Neil then stops his car at some corner and then talks to himself.

Neil: What is all this? Neil what is happening, why are these all scenarios coming in front of me.

He shook his head and drove towards his house and opened the door with his spare key. He came in and saw Avni sitting on the sofa and sleeping in a sitting position all uncomfortable. He looked at her and remembers Shreya's words.

Shreya: Goshh how is she even living with you.

He goes upstairs gazing her for a good time and Avni's sleep broke hearing his footsteps. She looked and saw Neil going upstairs. She got up and felt some strain in her neck due to sleeping in some uncomfortable position and stretching her neck she went in the kitchen to heat up the food. Neil came down and sat on the dining table and see his all favorite dishes. Neil looked at her sitting in front of him.

Avni: Actually I was so free today that I made this all.

Neil: If you would have make something normal it would have been okay.

Avni looks down sad and ate her food. Neil looked at her and had the first bite.

Neil: It is tasty.

Avni smiles and said nothing. They both had their dinner and Neil left for the room. Avni came to the room after cleaning up all the utensils. She saw Neil sitting on the couch working on his laptop. She silently came and sat on her side of sofa thinking that Neil would not notice but today it was a difference. Neil noticed her presence in the room and looked at her setting the bedsheets and cushions. He wanted to talk to her but at the same time was confused what to say. It was a situation where his heart was telling to talk to her and brain was telling not to do so. He was confused so he decided to listen to his brain and kept quiet. Avni laid down and slept. Neil also laid down on his side thinking about all the words by Shreya and when he slept even he didn't know.

Is Shreya a form of Cupid in AvNeil's story? What do you think about it?

Also what do you feel about the pressure between AvNeil?

And also what do you think about Shreya and Neil's friendship? Is she good for their relationship or may create problems?

Do comment your opinions and views and vote.

Enjoy reading.

Love Love 😊

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