Chapter 12

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Avni is waiting near the car in the parking lot tapping her sandals with a pout.

Avni: Tchh Where is this Neil.

Someone was coming from behind and was coming closer to her and then shouted Bhooo. Avni got scared and turned only to find a laughing Neil there. She saw him and breath heavily and put her hands on her fast beating heart.

Avni: Neil what is this? You scared me.

Neil(controlling his laugh): Hahaha hahahaha just hahahah just look at you face.

Neil controlling his laugh. Avni looked at him and smiled but hid it immediately and acted to be angry.

Avni: Ha ha ha. Jokes apart. Should we leave now or you are planning to have a night out here in the parking lot.

Neil looked at her and came close to her looking near her lips.

Neil(husky voice): I won't mind to have a night out with you here in the parking lot.

Avni(whisper): What?

Neil looks down and then at her.

Neil: Nothing come let's go.

They both sat in the car and the ride started. They both were going towards their home when suddenly Avni saw something.

Avni(scream): Neil Neil stop the car. Neil please fast stop the car.

Neil applied the breaks and looks at her in tension.

Neil: Avni what happened? Are you oka? Tell me Avni you are scaring me.

Avni saw him and out of the window and again at him.

Avni: Neil ice cream (pointing out of the window).

Neil saw there and sighs in relief.

Neil: Ohh god Avni, you just scared the hell out of me.

Avni: I am sorry Neil but please let's wat ice cream please please please don't deny please lets just eat it (she hold his elbows and slightly shook it) please please na.

Neil nods and says while putting his hand on her hands on his elbows.

Neil: Okay okay. Let's go.

Avni: Yayyyy.

She quickly got out of the car and reached at the ice cream parlor.
Neil also went behind her but was not able to match her pace. They both reached near the counter.

Neil: Yess Mrs Khanna, what ice cream would you like to have?

Avni: Umm Belgium Choco Chip.

Neil: Okayy Please give one cone of Belgium Choco Chip  ice cream.

Avni(whining like a child): no not cone. I don't like to eat cone. I want a big cup.

Neil: Okay okay I will bring it.

Neil goes and orders an ice cream for her. They both sat on the table after ordering. The man on the counter goes and brings the ice cream which Neil takes and moves towards where Avni is sitting. She saw him and then the ice cream and snatches quickly and starts eating. Neil sees it and smiles at her childish behavior. Avni was so lost in her ice cream that she didn't notice his gaze. After sometime, she saw him empty handed and ask.

Avni: You will not eat?

Neil: No I don't like ice cream.

Avni(shout loudly): What??

Everyone others sitting looked at her and Neil looks around and passes an awkward smile and said.

Neil: Don't shout?

Avni(slowly): You don't like ice cream?? Seriously?? Ice cream is a thing which no one can hate but you..??? Wait are you an alien?

Neil(scrunching eyebrows): What?

Avni: Yes. No one on planet Earth can hate ice cream.

Neil: It is your assumption wifey that none hates ice cream but many people do hate ice cream and I am one of those.

Avni: You are such a boring person. Just taste of ones.

Neil: No I am not gonna do that.

Avni: But I will make you to do that.

Avni took a spoon of ice cream and was feeding Neil which Neil was not taking in but accidentally the ice cream fell on his coat. Neil got up and Avni also widening her eyes got up and opening her mouth.

Neil: Shit!!

Avni: Sorry Sorry. Wait I'll clean.

She takes the tissue and came near him and started cleaning the ice cream stain. Neil was seeing the stain but then his gaze went on her eyes full of tension and smiles seeing her. He was just staring her and she was cleaning his stain. This continued for few minutes and then Avni moved away and Neil also came out of the dream world.

Avni(in tension): Neil the stain isn't going. I would have to wash it at home I am sorry I should have not force you.

Neil(keeping his hands on her shoulder): Avni Avni relax. No problem it's okay. Why are you panicking? It's okay. It's an accident.

Avni: Yeah.

Neil: Come on now eat the leftover ice cream.

Avni: Neil, my stomach is full. I can't eat more now.

Neil: Only 5 spoons are there Avni come on eat it.

Avni: No I can eat max 2 spoons.

Neil: Okay eat then we will throw the rest of ice cream.

Avni: No no I can't let the ice cream to be thrown. No.

Neil: So?? Umm okayy I would eat it.

Avni: But you don't like ice cream.

Neil: We can't even throw it right. Come on now eat.

Avni ate a spoon.

Avni: Now I am full. You eat.

Neil: But you said 2 spoons and ate only 1.

Avni: Neil please.

Neil: Okay okay, I will eat.

Neil ate the leftover ice cream and throw the cup in the dustbin.

Neil: Now let's go?

Avni: yes.

Neil went and Avni was behind him. They sat in the car and the drive start.

Avni: Neil, can I play some music.

Neil: Yes why are you asking?

Avni: Okayy.

Avni started the radio and the music started. She opened the window and was enjoying the cold breeze on her face. Neil was smiling looking at Avni.

Avni(in mind): This was the best moment of my life after our marriage. I would never forget it Neil.

Neil(in mind): This girl is making me mad day by day. Oh godd.
(To Avni): Avni you will catch cold.

Avni: Neil don't worry, I have a habit of this. You take care of yourself. You have eaten ice cream after a long time. You may catch cold.

Neil: Oh come on I am not that weak.

AvNeil smiles and their journey towards their home continued.


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