Friday Night (Part 1)

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Author's Note: This chapter is MATURE(ish)!


The group date that followed Ye Jun's unexpected confession occurred on a stormy Friday night at Si Woo's apartment.

Ye Jun was feeling awkward, his confession still unanswered. He had told himself, before arriving at Si Woo's place, that he would give the sunbae time to respond. But Ye Jun had never been a patient man and so he found himself keenly observing the man more often than usual. He also wanted to pry, to find out about the man on the other side of the phone but instead, he kept his mouth shut, telling himself that Si Woo would tell him when he was ready.

"We've been dating for about two months now," Si Woo said suddenly, setting down his glass of wine. "I think today might be a good time to go beyond our usual activity."

"What do you mean?" asked Ye Jun.

Si Woo crossed one leg over the other and met their eyes, Jong In's first then Ye Jun's. "I feel like we've gotten quite comfortable with simple kissing and we are now much more familiar with each other. In order to progress and determine our compatibility, don't you think we should go beyond a simple touch of the lips?"

Ye Jun hesitated, he felt both apprehension and excitement. What was this man thinking? Didn't he know how dangerous it was for him to suggest a thing now after Ye Jun had confessed so strongly only a few days ago?

Ye Jun tried to convey his thoughts through his gaze but the sunbae simply smiled and winked in response.

Ye Jun briefly wondered if perhaps he had forgotten his confession or, even worse, he may have decided to ignore it. His hands clenched into fists - what was this feeling? Was it rejection? He felt like he was being played.

"Fine," said Ye Jun though his voice sounded a bit strained to his own ears. "What does this 'more' include?"

"No... sex," interjected Jong In suddenly and Ye Jun turned to look at him. He had been there the whole time but for a moment, Ye Jun had forgotten that he was there.

"No, no sex. It's too early for that," responded Si Woo, his gaze flickering between the two. "But let's say anything up until that is on the table."

Ye Jun swallowed. "And whatever we do here, we can do on our paired dates – that still stands?"

"Of course." Si Woo smiled. "That is the rule." He set his phone on the table in front of them. "This time, let's set the timer for 10 minutes."

He then pushed his phone toward Jong In as their eyes met. "As always, Ye Jun and I will go first."

He then leaned back onto the arm of the couch and turned to look at Ye Jun. "Whenever you are ready," he said with a soft smile.

Ye Jun looked at the lazily lounging sunbae and felt the excitement suddenly overtake the apprehension. There was no way he would forgo his invitation.

He sat down on the sofa next to him and leaned down to place his lips against his. The kiss was sweet and tempting as always but there was something more this time.

Ye Jun sensed himself rushing, perhaps as a response to the uncertainty he felt. He didn't understand Si Woo, he could not read him and it made him anxious.

Within seconds, he pushed his tongue forward, demanding entrance. He brought his hand forward and placed it on the sunbae's hip. It was the first time he had touched him below the waist.

Not sensing any hesitation from him, Ye Jun slid his hand further, slipping it beneath his shirt and feeling the smooth silkiness of his skin. It was as soft as a woman's but the body beneath was hard and lean.

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