Bonus Chapter 4: Megatron/Unicron

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Delta-wave's POV

As I near Darkmount, I see Smokescreen sittings on Megatron's throne. "Lord Smokescreen,
emperor of destruction" he says and dances in the seat.

"How can you sit there? That's some bad mojo" Bulkhead tells him.

"Sure is" I agree as I land beside him. Starling him. "Sorry Bulk" I say. "Anyway, I leave you guys for a little while and you decide to goof off?" I ask.

"Just a little fun Delta" Smokescren tells me.

"What do you know? Knockout actually shot straight for once" Bee states.

"What'd you have to do buff his finish?" Arcee asks.

"Close" he says. "Why am I not surprised you're here Delta?" he asks me with a smile. "Where's Sky?" he asks.

"Left her with Predaking" I state.

"Whoa!" Bulk says shocked.

"Are you sure that was wise?" Smokescreen asks me.

"Predaking won't hurt her and it proves we want peace" I state.

"Let's download the data and get out of here. We can discuss Sky later" Bee tells us. He starts to download the coordinates on the screen.

"Hey somethings heading our way" Bulkhead states pointing at the sky.

"Predaking?" Arcee asks.

"No, otherwise there'd be two things heading our way as Sky is with him" I tell her.

"And it's moving too fast" Bee adds.

"Stascream?" Bulkhead suggests. The figure reaches us and lands transforming into Megatron. Only he looks different.

"Minions of the Prime, prepare to be obliterated" he tells us.

"Megatron" Bee says shocked pushing me behind him.

"You skewered bucket-head with a giant saber and managed to miss his Spark?" Smokescreen asks him.

"How are you still alive?" Arcee demands.

"And where'd you score the upgrade?" Bulkhead asks.

"Seriously Bulk, there's a time and place for questions like that" I tell him.

"Megatron cannot answer you at this moment, though I can inform you with utmost authority
that he owes his new lease on life to me. Unicron" Megatron declares. Well Unicron, apparently. "And I will not be so easy to deliver into oblivion" he tells us.

He makes dark energon cannons appear on his arms. And opens fire on us. We all dodge the blasts and start to fire back. Bee got behind him and jumped on his shoulder. Then launches himself off of him firing at him. We then all take cover behind the throne as Unicron fires again.

"We need to retreat" Arcee states.

"I second that" I add as I fire at Unicron before ducking back behind the throne.

"The only way out is down" Smokescreen adds.

"We can't call for a ground bridge until we put some space between Unicron and us!" Bulkhead states.

"Behold my infinite might!" Unicron says and suddenly a dark energon spear impales the throne. It starts to beep.

"Grenade!" I yell.

"Let's roll" Bee states. We all jump out from behind the throne transforming. We speed past Unicron and over the edge. Bee transforms blasting a hole in the roof below and we fall through it. Bee transforms again and we speed through the halls of Darkmount. Me leading the way as I was in the one on Earth. Arcee beside me.

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