Bonus Chapter 2: New Predacons

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Delta-wave's POV

It's been a few days since Optimus and Wheeljack left. A little over a week. No one has returned yet. Optimus and Wheeljack haven't checked in, but I am sure they're fine. Bulkhead and the vehicons are still constructing the landing field. Arcee has gone to check on their progress.

Arcee introduced me to my first oil bath, it was heaven. Bee and I had our race. Which he won. Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus have had me training in combat more since my leg fully healed. I even spar with Sky, to build up her experience. Bulkhead introduced me to lobbing during out down time. Not that any of us get much down time thanks to Ultra Magnus.

He has us all on rotating shifts of guarding the prisoners or searching for Shockwave & Starscream. No like finding them yet. Currently Bee, Sky and I are on guard duty. Honestly it's a little boring. At least when we're out searching I get to see more of Cybertron and learn more about it.

I hug Bee from behind, resting my helm on his shoulder. "Bored?" he asks me.

"Beyond bored" I tell him. "When can we go searching again?" I ask him.

"Not until tomorrow" he tells me and I groan. "It's not all bad Delta, besides you've finished learning Cybertronian" he states.

"Yeah, I know" I state. "You know, we should do something more fun" I tell him.

"We're supposed to be guarding the prisoners" he reminds me.

"They can't go anywhere, how about a race around the ship?" I suggest. "Come on one lap won't hurt" I beg. Just then we hear banging and he pulls up the feed to the cell to see Knockout and the other prisoners banging on the wall. "Bet you he wants an oil bath" I tell Bee and he chuckles nodding. They keep banging.

"I better see what he wants" Bee grumbles. He presses a button and a screen lowers into the room showing our faces. "Okay, you got our attention. What do you want?" he asks Knockout.

"We're prisoners of war. We have rights! When are we going to have access to an oil bath?" Knockout demands. I laugh.

"Told you so" I tell Bee and drop my arms from around his shoulders heading over to the table. I grab Knockout's buffer. Sky rushes over and I smile, she loves buffing.

"Well, when are you gonna tell us where I can find your pals?" Bee asks him.

"I told you before, Shockwave had dozens of secret labs hidden across Cybertron. Top-secret" Knockout states.

"That's a real shame. Your finish is starting to look pretty dull" I tell him. "Unlike Sky's here" I state as I start buffing her wings.

"I don't know where they are, I swear!" he shouts. He then sighs. "But I have an idea where
you might try looking" he tells us. He tells us to check the Sea of Rust. So Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus went to check it out.

"You played him well" Bee tells me.

"He is vain" I tell him with a shrug. "He'd do anything for his finish" I state. As I put the buffer down, Sky had fallen into recharge. "Think they will find anything?" I ask him.

"Don't know, I guess we'll find out on their return" he states.

"Ok, well I think I am gonna call Raf and check in on how things are at Earth" I tell him. He nods his helm and I head over to the communication console. "Delta-wave to Earth, can you hear me?" I ask.

"Hear you loud and clear Delta, how are things on Cybertron?" Ratchet asks.

"Pretty dull" I tell him. "Still no sign of Shockwave ore Starscream. Shockwave has found a way to hide their signatures from the ship" I tell him. "Bulkhead is still building a landing field. Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen have gone on another recon mission. This time to the sea of rust" I state. "How's everything on Earth?" I ask him.

"Jasper has started getting rebuilt" he states. "Raf and the other two are currently at school" he adds. "Though I am sure Raf will be disappointed he missed your call" he tells me.

"Tell him and the others I say hi" I tell him. Bee clears his throat. "That we all say hi" I correct. He nods his helm.

"Bumblebee, I need an emergency ground bridge, stat!" Smokescreen shouts through the comms. Startling Sky, awake. Bumblebee heads over to the ground bridge controls.

"Is something wrong?" Ratchet asks me.

"I am not sure, I'll call you back" I tell him ending the call as the ground bridge opens. Smokescreen drags a badly injured Ultra Magnus few. "Oh my god!" I exclaim and call Ratchet as Bee closed the ground bridge. "Ultra Magnus is very hurt, we need you right away" I tell him.

"Send a ground bridge and prepare medical bay" he tells me. I agree as Bee helped Smokescreen carry Ultra Magnus to the med way. I space bridge Ratchet over from Earth. "Where's the patient?" he asks as I closed the portal. I gesture him to follow me and lead him tot he med bay.

(Mini time skip)

"He is suffering from a multitude of internal injuries, most quite severe" Ratchet tells us.

"So, anyone care to explain what two more Predacons are doing on Cybertron?" Arcee asks. She and Bulkhead had returned to the ship after hearing about what happened. While Ratchet began to treat Ultra Magnus.

"I thought Optimus said new life wasn't possible without the All spark" Bulkhead says confused.

"I'm no authority, but something tells me cloning old bones doesn't constitute new life" Bee states.

"It doesn't" I tell him.

"Shockwave's been playing in his lab since the war. Why stop now?" Bulkhead asks.

"Doesn't matter where those beasts came from. We got to take 'em down" Smokescreen states.

"No, they don't know any better. We know they are smart and can be reasoned with, we should try talking to them" I state.

"Are you crazy?! Look at what they did to Ultra Magnus!" Smokescreen shouts. Sky screeches at him.

"Easy girl" I say patting her helm.

"If Shockwave's back in business, there could be more of them. A lot more" Bee states.

"We need to call Optimus" Bulkhead suggests and I shake my helm.

"Really, Bulk? And interrupt his quest to save the future of our race on Cybertron?" Arcee asks him.

"I have another idea" Bee states. "Delta stay here to help Ratchet, Skye-raptor better stay too" he tells me. "Bulkhead, Smokescreen, Arcee with me" he says.

"I think I should be the one to go" I tell him.

"We'll handle it" he assures me. "Help Ratchet tend to Ultra Magnus" he tells me and kisses my cheek. "We'll be back" he assures him. And leaves with the others.


Picture above of the two new predacons.

Three bonus chapters left.

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