Bonus Chapter 1: Promotion

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Here's the chapters you've all been asking for on the movie Predacons Rising. Just to clarify the events of the bonus chapters happened before the epilogue. I hope you all enjoy these chapters.

Delta-wave's POV

"We have endured bitter hardship and countless battles. But at long last, our home planet has been restored. We would not be standing on Cybertronian soil were it not for the valiant efforts of both those assembled here and our absent comrades. Ratchet, who remains on Earth to safeguard our human friends, and Cliffjumper, who made the ultimate sacrifice" Optimus declares. I place a servo on Arcee's shoulder squeezing it gently. She gives me a small smile. We look back at Optimus.

"But on this day, at the dawn of a new era, we gather to bestow a special honor. One earned by Bumblebee. Through his bravery and devotion to the cause of peace, long before, he rid this universe of the scourge of the Decepticon warmonger" Optimus states.

"In the company of your fellow Autobots, in the presence of our creator, Primus, the living core of our planet, and by the authority vested in me by the Matrix of Leadership, Bumblebee. Arise a warrior" he tells Bee. After using the star saber as a Queen would to knight someone.

I run over and hug Bee. He hugs me back. "Nice" Arcee says.

"Warrior, big time!" Bulkhead cheers.

"You go, B" Smokescreen tells him.

"I'm so proud of you" I tell him.

"Couldn't of done it without you" he states staring into my optics. I smile shyly looking away. But he grabs my chin gently and has me look at him again. He leans in to kiss me. But Wheeljack had to interrupt.

"Let's get this party started!" he tells and clicks a detonator. A series of grenades blow up the statue of Megatron and it comes grumbling down. Startling me a little.

"Seriously Wheeljack?" I ask him. He ignores me chest bumping Bulkhead. I roll my optics and Smokescreen slaps Bee's shoulder.

"Welcome to the club Bee" he tells him. "Warrior today, and who knows? Prime tomorrow?" he suggests. As Bee drops one of his arms around me as Sky jumps onto his back cooing happily.

"Slow down, Smokey. I'm not sure I'd wish a Prime's responsibility on anyone" Bee tells him. "You know Delta is right Sky, you will get to big to do this" he tells her. She just nuzzles him.

"Aw, she's so cute" Bulkhead says. "Sky, go fetch!" he yells tossing a lob. She screeches bouncing off of Bee after the lob. She starts to play with Bulkhead and Wheeljack.

"Congrats soldier" Ultra Magnus tells Bee.

"Thanks Commander" Bee says.

"So what's next for you two?" Arcee asks Bee and I.

"No idea" we tell her and laugh.

"Delta-wave, a word?" Optimus asks.

"Sure, I'll be back" I tell Bee kissing his cheek and head over to Optimus. "What's up?" I ask him.

"Have you thought about what we discuss under ground?" he asks me.

"Optimus I am honoured you think I am worthy, but I am still getting used to this new body. And I know nothing about Cybertron, how could I be one of it's leaders?" I ask him.

"You have already proven to be a fine leader Delta" he tells me. He places a servo on my shoulder. "I have no doubt when you are ready, you will become a Prime" he states.

"Well I've got centuries, no more then that many years ahead of me" I tell him. "Right now, lets celebrate Bee's promotion to Warrior finally. And relax a little before beginning repairs" I state. "Besides, Bee and I have a lot of time to get to know each other now" I add smiling at Bee. "I can't imagine what would have happened if not for the cyber matter" I tell him.

"Lets hope you never have to worry about that" he tells me.

"You had someone once" I state.

"A long time ago, she perished on Cybertron. We planned on becoming spark-mates, but then the war started and we had to keep post poning" he states.

"Spark-mates?" I ask him.

"You'd call it marriage, but for us it is a much deeper and more precious bond" he tells me. "Who knows maybe one day you and Bumblebee will become spark-mates. But as you said you have many years, no need to rush into anything" he states.

"Delta, come dance!" Bee calls.

"Go on" Optimus tells me and I skate over to Bee. We start to do the robot together laughing. "I am sorry to interrupt your celebration" he says after a while.

"Here it comes" Arcee says crossing her arms.

"Primes never party" Bulkhead states as Sky perches on his shoulder.

"But I must take my leave of you" Optimus tells us.

"Sir, may I ask why?" Ultra Magnus asks him.

"Though Cybertron is once again able to support life, our planet is currently incapable of generating new lives. Not until I retrieve the wellspring from which all life on Cybertron is born
and ultimately returns. The Allspark" Optimus explains.

"You mean it isn't here?" Smokescreen asks.

"I thought you could create new lives through the gestation chamber?" I ask confused.

"We used to be able too" Optimus tells me. "But we have not been built with them for over a millienea" he states.

"I have one" I state and they all look at me shocked. "It's why the cons wanted me, it's why Shockwave was experimenting with human techno-organics. To try and allow you all to have gestation chambers again" I explain. "Though there is no gurantee mine will work, just because I have one" I add.

"Even if it did, we can not rely souly on you to help bring new life t Cybertron" Optimus tells me. "As for your question, Smokescreen" he says looking at him. "Nor has it been, Smokescreen. Not for thousands of years. As the war for Cybertron reached a tipping point and the Decepticon Army appeared to be unstoppable, I opted to safeguard the All spark from Megatron by covertly sending it to a distant sector of the galaxy. The Matrix of Leadership will enable me to guide us to its present location" he explains.

"What are we waiting for? Let's take the warship and bring it back" Bee states.

"Bee, we can't leave Cybertron undefended" I tell him.

"Delta-wave is correct" Optimus agrees with me. "These remain dangerous times, Bumblebee. We cannot leave Cybertron unsecured, not with Starscream and Shockwave unaccounted for" he states.

"Not to mention our stray Predacon" Ultra Magnus states.

"Predaking won't be a problem" I assure him. As Sky came over to me. I give her a pat on the helm.

"I trust you to deal with it Delta" Optimus tells me. I nod my helm. "Ultra Magnus, you will supervise patrols to find and capture the fugitive Decepticons" he orders.

"I would be honored" Ultra Magnus states.

"Bulkhead, you will lead the reconstruction effort. Begin by building a landing field to welcome returning refugees" Optimus tells him. Bulkhead nods his helm. "Wheeljack, I will require your
extensive experience navigating deep space" he states.

"When do we leave?" Wheeljack asks him. They left straight away, using a ship similar to the Jack Hammer. Bulkhead took charge of the vehicons and got started on the landing field. Bee and I managed to sneak away with Sky. Bee giving us a small tour of the area we're in before we were called back by Ultra Magnus.


Picture above of Bee being promoted to warrior.

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