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"Your dinner is done. I don't have any other work here. I pushed you accidentally and took care of you instead. Our scores' down to zero, I owe you nothing. I'm going"

"Our relationship is not about tallying scores, Kritz. Can't you just stay here for nothing?"

"There is no relationship in between us to begin with"

"Our strings won't tamper if you try to pull apart alone"

"A relationship is about two people Reeth, but you always forget the fact that it vanishes the moment one between us breaks it. You did it, I've done it"


Sanskriti left Reeth's tent into hers with a swirl of emotions winding in her stomach that tied it into a tight knot. Her tears urged to move out of her throat into her eyes. But enough is enough. Must she succumb to this pain more when she knows that it isn't her fault? She is not that weak. She has seen things much more violent and adverse. This is not a big deal. But... should fate be this biased against her all the time? Did she not deserve to live; that she is always pushed to the edge of the cliff at the beginning of her every happiness? It's a constant sign that she must cease to exist. Despite that, she is existing. Why? For what?

Her breath became heavy. She laid down and crouched her body together. Eyes trailing on the wall of the tent but mind in other places.

While for Sanskriti it is a tide that is washing her away, for Reeth it is a huge rock on top of him. He is injured as well. Unable to breathe, unable to escape, guilt, fear, mistrust in his own self. Sanskriti's emotions can be justified, understood. Reeth's... can Reeth's pain and tears be justified when he was the one who severed the ties? But what about his beating heart that's burning aflame?

While both are in their own thoughts, the night reached its darkest. In the deadly silence of the anonymity outside, the howling wind and the croaks of the beetles made their hustle. In no time, the silence was cracked with the breaking of thunderstorms.

Crack, crack, THUD!

Sanskriti, who slowly slipped into a light sleep, couldn't help but notice the sounds.

The howling wind made louder whooshing rustle as it swayed. From far away, faint but audible noises of the whimpers of the wild were heard. Unnoticed by her, Sanskriti's hands started shivering. Chills ran down her spine. She got up on a whim when she heard the rustling of leaves in a pattern, as if someone or something was approaching her tent. Sanskriti grabbed her comb and slowly went towards the opening of the tent. Now you know that Sanskriti wouldn't survive in horror movies.

As she opened the tent, there was nothing outside. She came out, now scared enough to go for passing water. However, her leg couldn't move a step forward for how terrified she was of the bizarre night. She ran on a quick count into Reeth's tent and closed the zipper of his tent.

Reeth, who was not fully asleep woke up almost immediately when his tent rustled. As he saw Sanskriti with a sheen of sweat covering her face and breathing heavily, he became concerned.

"What happened, Kritz?"

Sanskriti was silent for a while, but she had to say it nevertheless-

"I have to pee" she clipped her eyes in embarrassment

Reeth laughed immediately on instinct but tried to control himself as he saw Sanskriti being uncomfortable

"I'll come" he said and got up. As they exited the tent, Sanskriti caught Reeth's tee and hid behind him while scanning her surroundings. She rushed to do her business and returned.

"I'm done" Sanskriti said in a low tone and walked past him with her head down in uneasiness

Reeth chuckled slightly and trailed behind her. With a whoosh of wind, Sanskriti trembled and hid behind Reeth again.

All this while, Reeth couldn't stop cracking up. As they neared their tents, Reeth waited outside until he could see Sanskriti going in, but Sanskriti came out and ran into Reeth's. A confused Reeth went in.


"What what?"

"This is my tent Miss Sanskriti Aroha! Though you built it for me-"

"I'm sleeping here"

"What happened to your tent?"


"Okay, grumpy sack, I'll go there"

"Can't you just stay here, dumba**?"

"Huh? Where should I sleep?"

"Where else? Is there any place left in this tent? Beside me, obviously"

The moment they took two corners diagonal to each other, squishing in their legs, she slept. All the fear that kicked in has also brought a lump of drowsiness. She didn't even realize that she was sleeping beside Reeth; REETH! Reeth was amused by how peacefully she slept when he is left to control all his raging hormones

"Kritz, every dog has a day!" he whispered under his own breath  

"Kritz, every dog has a day!" he whispered under his own breath  

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The safest place on this whole wide world is in his arms. What a huge wonder!


Hello, stars! Though I cannot claim myself to be a traveller, I was on a few travel endeavours to some very beautiful places. However, nothing replaces the beauty, the warmth and the happiness that I find in my loved one's arms. It is where I get lost and find myself the most. May you all be lost and found at this most beautiful space that might be so solely yours. Happy Weekend!

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