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(04:30 AM,


Ladakh, India)

"Sanskriti, are you coming for the trek?"

"Have you gone mad, As*hol*? It's four in the morning. Did you call just to ask this?"

"I just wanted to know if you're coming or n-"

"Shut up!"

She hung the call and Reeth was still confused whether she is coming or not. The University takes the cadets on a two-day one-night trekking and camping trip every year. Looks like history repeats itself to create chances for them. However, when the lecturers informed the cadets about the same, there were divided opinions in the class and Reeth and Sanskriti had too.

Reeth was among the ones who were elated for the trip and Sanskriti was among those who weren't. Most of them were sad because they must go on an exhausting trip in the cold while Sanskriti just wanted to avoid reminiscing memories which now pain her heart. She tried making excuses and petitioned the principal that she might be unable to go on the trip due to her injury only to be reprimanded that a cop must not care about a small wound like that.

She was left with no other choice, but Reeth certainly knows that if Sanskriti doesn't want to go, she might just skip it howsoever and think about the consequences later. Being skeptical of the same, he hasn't slept the whole night thinking whether she comes or skips. So, he called her for his confirmation- only to be hung up on the face.


As the sun rose, the cadets got ready to go and buses stood at their places.

This time, Reeth and Sanskriti belong to two different classes, so they might not share the same bus. Reeth wanted to sit with her, so he kept searching the buses to see where she sat.

"Reeth, I want to sit with you..."

"No Sansy. We were informed to sit in the buses designated to our departments. You sit in yours, I'll sit in mine"

"Too bad! Why didn't I join the Fire Emergency?" she sulked

"I have something to do, you find your bus and sit, okay?" Reeth rushed when he saw Sanskriti boarding a bus

He went in, and as usual she sat at a seat where no one is there and had her headphones plugged in. Reeth went to sit beside her, but Sanskriti noticed him and put her bag on the seat.

"C'mon Kriti!"

"Senior" she called a cadet

"Weren't we supposed to sit with our departments only?"

"Well, that's not a rul-" the senior saw Reeth and thought she was being disturbed by him. So, he continued- "Yeah, that's the rule. Get down, cadet, and sit with your department. You are not allowed here" the senior said firmly

Reeth was disappointed but he got off the bus. And they went to their trekking place in different buses.



"We'll trek to the top of the hill that you see over there. We'll have our basecamp right on the top. I hope you all have packed the essentials that you were informed of. Check if you have them all according to the list provided. If not, there is a store over there, buy them. This is your last chance to check your supplies, you might have the need of any of them and you cannot be provided with those while you are on the trek. This trek is wild, cadets, your safety comes first. Travel in groups to avoid danger. Do not take a halt in between if you can as it gets wilder with the dark. Try to reach the basecamp as early as you can."

"Mountain rescue will lead the trek. General, Fire, Water, and other physical departments shall be divided and added to the non-physical departments like Vigilance. Medical cadets, you'll be with all the groups, five in each. Keep your whistles handy, call out in case of emergency. Assign a leader amongst your groups, note down the group members. We'll start in a few minutes. Cadets, gear up and make it fast.


We'll disperse here."


Reeth will never let go of the opportunity to stay with Sanskriti. He brought her to his group and this time, she couldn't deny.

They started their trek. Reeth did not leave an opportunity to pester Sanskriti and she just felt like there was a bee buzzing in her ear.

"You know Kriti, legend has it that this hill is haunted! There was a witch who came here to cook her potions with the herbs that were only available here. And to not let others take these herbs away, she drives them off. If anyone denies going away, she kills them, very brutally"

At this point Reeth pestered her enough that Sanskriti stopped caring. To check whether she's listening to him, he shouted "BOO!"

Sanskriti was terrified and pushed him strongly. Reeth lost his balance and rolled down the rocks. Before Sanskriti could realize, Reeth was nowhere seen

"REETH! REETH! REETH" she shouted on top of her lungs, but there was no reply. It was slowly getting darker. Tears started dripping down her face. She started having a breakdown. She whistled for help and started to descend the hill to find him

"REETH. REETH. REEeeeeeeth" her tears tripped without a sign to stop.

 REEeeeeeeth" her tears tripped without a sign to stop

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I do not know of the witch that kills people, but this author does know of a witch that patches-up some foolish couples!


Hello, stars! Wait for a big surprise tomorrow! I know that you have your assumption of what it is going to be but I shall warn you that it is going to be bigger. Let our happiness double!

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