Chapter 23

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Teerpanyakul Residence:

Porsche's POV:

I was sitting on the bed, looking through some venue information that Kinn had sent me. Our wedding was supposed to be held in a month and Kinn looked the most excited about it. Afterall, he had waited for atleast a whole year for this moment.
Even though we had been waiting for it for quite a while, I didn't want to get married without my beloved younger brother - Chay, around to see it. We had promised each other to always be a part of the big moments in each other's life. Chay had been staying abroad for his studies and was supposed to return within a few more days due to which the wedding date had been finally decided. The wedding arrangements had begun already and was proceeding at full pace under me and Kinn's constant supervision.

I was done with my work within half an hour or so and finally the thought I had been setting aside for quite a while, crossed my mind.

"Are VegasPete fine?" I thought.
Pete had not contacted me ever since leaving the house to look for Vegas. Kinn had gone to minor house like he did every year since Vegas had never visited the place following aunt's demise.

As I was staring into the void quite lost in my own thoughts, Kinn walked into the room.

"You're back earl-" I stopped mid-sentence. Kinn's lip was split and mentally he was in a terrible condition. My heart ached seeing him like that and I ran to his side without a second thought in mind.


I wanted to return back the favour ten-folds to whoever dared to hurt Kinn and he knew it well too. But he didn't open his mouth to spill who it was. The silence alone was enough for me to make out who the culprit was.

"All I can do is helplessly watch you suffer....isn't it?..." I said in a low tone.
Resentment would be an understatement to explain what I was feeling at the moment.

"Porsche that's not-" He tried to explain but seeing him trying to comfort me while he was hurt himself perhaps made me lose it even more.

"How is that not it?!! You want me to believe that you are not hurt?!!! Want me to do nothing but sit on the sidelines and watch you suffering like that even though you are innocent?!! Do you know what you look like everytime you see Vegas' face or anyone mentions him?! I've been seeing you from just a year or two yet I am so agitated everytime I see those expressions of yours and you want me to believe that you've been alright all these years?!" I was borderline screaming at him but no matter what I did, I just couldn't hold myself back.
The guilt of turning back on him during the time he needed me the most was eating me up from the inside and maybe it had driven me to the such an edge that I couldn't help but burst.

"I know I am in no position to say this but you've suffered enough Kinn...and I am not going to let Vegas blame you for something you didn't do, any longer." I said before picking up the car keys. I was blinded by my determination to bring forth the truth.

"Where are you going?" Kinn asked anxiously.

"To minor house. I'm not going to let this continue for the rest of your life. If you can't say the truth, then I will do it for you!" I said. Just as I was about to rush out of the room, I was stopped by Kinn who was equally determined to not let me go.

"I am not going to let you do that!!" He said.

"You keep saying that you have a reason why you can't do that but WHAT EVEN IS YOUR REASON?!!" I yelled out. What had started as an act of worry was turning into fully fledged argument right before our eyes.

"Kinn! You have to reveal the truth if you are innocent. You can't let him treat you like a criminal your whole life." I said trying the best I could to remain calm but maybe I touched a sensitive nerve for, Kinn lashed out right the next second.

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