Chapter 21

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"It should be around here somewhere" Porchay, Porsche's younger sibling muttered to himself as he continued to wander around while trying to locate a shop using gps.

"Does this thing want me to start digging here?" Porchay scoffed seeing the downward arrow.

"I think it's telling me to start digging here and bury myself in it for being delusional enough to think that I could use gps to reach the shop!!" He whined and grudgingly closing the application, thrusted his phone into his pocket and started looking around to see if there was anyone who could help him.

He was standing near a deserted park covered with different sorts of trees when his eyes suddenly fell on a guy sitting in the middle of that forest like park.

"Witches are not real right?" He tried to reason himself to dissipate the panic that was building up inside him because of how uncanny the situation was.

"But I have heard stories of mythical creatures taking form of good looking people to lure passerby's in. And..." He stopped to look at the mysterious boy again before continuing.

"With that face, he could easily be one of them" He mumbled accepting that the stranger was good looking and when added with the ambience of the forest, it was appearing as if he had come out of some tv series or a music video.

Nevertheless, after summoning the bit of courage he had, he nodded to himself and dashed towards the stranger.

" to disturb you but do you know where-" But before he could explain his intentions, the poor boy got accused of something he hadn't done.

"What do you want?!! You stalker!! Stalking me from a distance was a different thing but I had no idea that you were audacious enough to meet me face to face and try to start a conversation. Are you a psychopath?!" Porchay was visibly taken aback upon hearing the rude and false claim but gained his composure without much trouble.

"Look, I don't know what you are going on about, but I have got no clue about who you even are." Porchay tried to explain but the stranger seemed adamant on his claims.

"Not just a stalker, but a lier too? You sure  are sick, are you not?" He continued showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.

"For the second time Mr. I. Don't. Know. You." Porchay said again emphasizing each other but failed to penetrate the information into his head.

"You think I don't know the petty tricks you're playing? And don't know me? Try making up a better excuse next time, even if you weren't stalking me, there's no way you wouldn't know who I am if you are a citizen of Thailand. I am Kim Teerpanyakul, there's no way you don't know me." He said smiling pridefully.

"Can't I punch him in the face atleast once?" Porsche thought to himself, desparately trying to refrain from hitting the arrogant stranger.

"You know what? I DON'T KNOW YOU, accept it!! And I was the fool for expecting to be helped by a thick-headed arrogant brat like you! Pretty sure even if anyone was to shoot you, they would fail miserably coz even a bullet wouldn't be able penetrate that thick head of yours!!" Porchay stormed off from the place after saying out loud whatever he wanted to while Kim stood there with his mouth agape not being able to believe that the innocent and soft looking boy capable of being so angry.

Barely had Porchay covered a few metres in the direction away from Kim when his eyes fell on a young hooded man with a camera in his hand, clicking pictures of Kim. He didn't seem to care about Porchay's whereabouts but was staring at Kim with hawk eyes as if he was out of some crime show targetting his next victim.

"I don't care if he gets kidnapped. He deserves it!" He tried to make himself understand but couldn't fight back his emotional self who was worried about a fellow human who was probably in stress because of a stalker following him around and invading his privacy.

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