Chapter 9

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Since it was a holiday, Charlie had invited me out to go to the bookstore with him since he wanted to check a few good books that he had been waiting eagerly for and as someone who appreciated the well-written ones, I was also tempted to tag along.

"Can we stop by a place before going there? I've got to meet my uncle- well my mom's brother-in-law, would that be okay with you?" He asked politely and I couldn't refuse him since it did not seem like too much of a bother anyway.

"Sure...we can do that" I agreed and his face visibly brightened up making me feel happy. There were times when he behaved completely like a golden retriever with all his feelings reflecting on his face.

We stopped near a less used street which ended near a business firm which used to flourish at one time but had suffered quite a huge blow after the death of it's previous CEO.

"Does he work in the company?" I asked him since there wasn't any else possible explanation for meeting him in the street which was ever rarely used by anyone anymore.

"He used to...but resigned recently, you know how it is, no one's willing to work in there anymore." He shrugged.

It wasn't a surprise, afterall why would anyone want to stick to a company that's on the verge of collapse?

"So he's moving out of the town for a new job. My aunt - his wife, works in Chon Buri so he's planning to move there and look for new opportunities." He explained.

And it wasn't long before we reached our stop. An older man looking somewhat around 50 was waiting for us in the alley.

"Sawasdee khap uncle" Charlie and I greeted him and he smiled politely.

They both started talking in chinese due to which I could not guess the topic of discussion but assumed that it must be related to the job and shifting.

His uncle kept glancing at me from time to time with a different kind of look in his eyes which made me a little uncomfortable but thankfully the brief meeting ended soon enough inhibiting my discomfort.

"I didn't know you spoke Chinese?" I casually mentioned.

"Ah well...I am half-chinese" He smiled sheepishly.

"My mother's Chinese but I mostly take after my dad, so I have Thai features."

"Ohh" I nodded at him as we continued to talk about a number of other things. It wasn't long before we reached the bookstore. We explored the store thoroughly, bought books that piqued our interest and then read them while sitting in a nearby park. The whole day was over in the blink of an eye and even though I didn't want the enjoyable moments to end, we had to part ways eventually.

"So cold" I murmured to myself before asking one of the bodyguards to bring me a glass of warm water.

Around 5 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door and Ken entered through it. He looked the least interested and had a little wicked expression while bringing me the glass.

Seeing him made me wonder what was going on in his mind but the question didn't last for long.
Intentionally or unintentionally, he tripped and poured the hot water directly onto my hand and clothes.

I winced but did not react too much even though the burning sensation was painful. I had planned to let him go without making a big deal out of it since it was just an accident and he was probably apologetic for what happened but the very first words that came out of his mouth wrecked all my delusions.

"Why did you not catch it?" His way of talking immediately reflected his perception of me. To him I was just another insignificant addition to the Teerpanyakul house and did not matter much due to which he was convinced that there was no need of maintaining any courtesy with me or treating me like a member of the family should be treated.

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