Chapter 11

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"Stay away from Charlie" Vegas said firmly.

But Pete wasn't the one to just blindly accept anyone's orders.

"No" He said while taking off his tie.

"What do you mean no?" Vegas' eyebrows furrowed as he turned back to face him.

"I believe it's already clear enough. I. Won't. Stay. Away. From. Him." Pete glared at him.

"He's the only friend I made in quite a few years" His voice softened making Vegas turn back again in frustration.

"He treats me well, not like some rag doll or like a tool for projecting anger, is that why you seem to dislike him?" Pete scoffed. Vegas' back was facing Pete but still seeing how his back stiffened up upon hearing it, Pete could roughly make out his expressions at the moment.

"You are misunderstanding it". He said without looking at Pete.

"Oh? Am I? I don't think so though? Did I perhaps say the truth? Is that you are trying to mislead me now?" Pete's eyes widened in distrust.

"He isn't a good person" Vegas hoped that Pete would drop the discussion but it did not happen.

He had the premonition that something bad was going to happen but he couldn't stop the argument from his side because his ego and jealousy didn't allow him to do so.

"Then what is your definition of a good person? Someone who blames their spouse for their own inefficiency?" Pete touched a sensitive nerve instantly heating up the argument.

"Why would you bring that up right now?" Vegas raised his voice to defend himself.

"Oh but isn't that the topic of almost every argument we have? I think I have every right to bring that up whenever I want, since you seem to do that often. Or are you willing to bend the rules only for yourself?" Pete  said.

He couldn't brush off the allegations which had a hint of truth in them. Afterall, he was the one who had always initiated any argument regarding their marriage.

"Don't deviate from the actual topic Pete" He warned in a low tone.

"Sure if that's what you want. But I have had enough of your bullsh*t already! What was the need to act so f*cking rude infront of him today?!" Pete demanded an answer.

"Are you hurt simply because I was rude to him?" Vegas however cross-questioned instead of giving his answer.

"Yes! Because he is my friend! And you have no right to act disrespectfully towards someone I am friendly with, simply because you think that they are not 'good for me'." The conflict was growing in intensity with each passing second.

"Do you have absolutely no survival instincts?! How can you not recognise who should stay with and who you shouldn't?" Vegas questioned him in disbelief.

"That's right! I don't! Because then I surely wouldn't be living with you!" Pete screamed.

Due to good soundproofing, others couldn't hear the scene taking place inside the room, thus no one came to stop the couple from fighting.

"Pete, you are going overboard now. You are overreacting." Vegas said trying to remain calm. He too was slowly losing his cool but was trying his best to refrain from escalating the situation.

"So you can curse me out for marrying you when I had absolutely no other choice, act rudely towards my only friend, scream at me without letting me defend myself, ridicule me for trying to help you and in the end I am the one who's overreacting? Am I overreacting or are you just out of ideas to insult me? Or come up with arguments to prove that you are right?" Pete laughed scornfully.

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