Chapter 22

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Pete drove to the graveyard as fast as he could after getting the location from Porsche. Even though he was confused as to why was Vegas in the graveyard, he didn't want to waste his time asking questions.

"It's better if Vegas' the one who reveals the reason behind his actions" was what he thought.

He pulled over into an empty parking lot present adjacent to the graveyard and dashed inside.
However, the scene that he saw inside the place broke his heart.
Vegas was crouching beside a gravestone. His face looked gloomier than the gloomiest days and his eyes held unending helplessness. The helplessness one feels when they are unable to let go of a painful memory. The vegas that Pete could see through his eyes at the moment looked incredibly lonely, as if he had no one left in the world that he could place in trust in.
His eyes were bloodshot, as if he wanted to cry but he wasn't capable of doing so.

"Why do you look like that?" Pete asked in a remorseful voice making him look up.

"Go away" Vegas shooed him in a disheartened voice before fixating his gaze back on the ground.

"No. You need me right now" Pete said strictly but he denied the claims.

"I don't." He said.

"But to me it seems like you do. Your stubborn self may not need me, but your vulnerable self does." Pete said trying to convince him but accidentally triggered him instead.

"I don't have a vulnerable self. Pete, please, I don't want to be mean to you so please out of here." Vegas said trying to avoid looking into Pete's eyes.

"No matter how much you try to convince your self and me that that's what you truly want, I am not going anywhere." Pete said again and instead of opposing Vegas anymore by words, hugged him since he looked like he definitely needed one.

"Get away" Vegas squirmed but didn't try to push Pete away.

"No" Pete refused before tightening his hold around Vegas' body.

"Go Away! G..o A...way..." His struggles ended as his protests subsided and soft sniffles took their place.

His body started shaking vigorously as time went by and throughout the crying session Pete made sure to not break the embrace for even a second.

Pete's POV:

Vegas kept crying his heart out. Perhaps the sadness of such a terrible incident and the misery of having to bury it had been eating him up for such a long time that getting a little support crumbled him completely.
Afterall, the loss of a parent, not to mention his beloved mother could have never been an easy news.
I didn't want to believe that it was his mother's death anniversary but the inscription carved on the tombstone had left me with no choice but to accept the reality.

"Why did he have to do that? Why did he have to betray me like that? I trusted him, I simply trusted the one I once called my brother, why did he have to do that? Mae did so much for him...always thought of him like her own son...was always there for him...always loved him more than me...why couldn't he atleast honour her trust and love?" He screeched into my shoulder. The desperation in his voice and the trembles in his body were scarring away my heart layer by layer but all I could do at the moment was silently support him and listen to him.

After about half an hour when I was sure that my shirt was partially drenched with his tears, the sniffles and hiccups subsided and he snuggled into my shoulder, reluctant to let me see his face.

"Look at me." I said but he shook his head in refusal.

"Baby look at me. Please" I requested again in a softer tone and cupping his face brought it to my eye level.

Hateful Love ( Vegaspete )Where stories live. Discover now