Chapter 17

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Third Person POV:

After Sitisak left, Vegas turned to look at Pete who was still sleeping peacefully and felt a natural smile creep into his lips.

He thrusted his hand into his pocket and taking out his phone dialed a number.

"Have you tracked Charlie and all his accomplices down?" He enquired but seemed dissatisfied with the answer recieved from the other side of the line.

"Out of the 30 hours that I had given you, you have 20 more hours left, do whatever it takes to find them. If you all fail to bring them to me, don't bother showing me your faces ever again. I am sure I don't need to say what the consequences are going to be." Vegas commanded.

Setting his phone down, he sat on the bed and started caressing Pete's messy bedhead.

"Do I even deserve you after making you go through all that? I should've been more mature, don't you think my love? I-I don't know why I always lose my rationality everytime I look at you...I am not trying to justify my behaviour or my treatment towards you but I don't know..." His eyes were moist while uttering the words out. His voice was low, almost in a whisper and a few words shivered even, some broke, some were clear but it was the truest Vegas had ever been to his feelings. The ones he had kept buried for so long seemed to ooze out upon seeing Pete carefree and peaceful face infront of him.

The night before, he had been too busy keeping himself recollected to support his husband emotionally but now that Pete's condition was looking a little stable, Vegas could no longer keep it in.

"I don't know anything...I love you so much that it has messed me up...I want to keep you close to me forever, never let you's like a crazy obsession and I know it's not good...maybe you're better off without me but I can't convince myself...what must I do Pete? Do you really want to stay with me? Someone who has done so many terrible things to you? Someone as cursed as me?" Vegas' shoulders trembled. He bit the inner side of his lips to keep himself composed and not produce any sound that may wake Pete up.

But just as he was trying his best to not cry, he felt a hand on top of his. He looked down to see Pete's hand gently stroking his hand. He looked back up at the sleeping beauty only to find him wide awake and smiling at him.

"Trying to hold your own tears after seeing me cry so bitterly I see." He said in his morning voice that was deeper than his regular voice yet somehow sounded sweet to the one who was so in love with him.

Pete probably had said it to give Vegas a giggle but the already emotional boy broke down upon listening to that. Tears started streaming down his face along with the regular hiccups. Pete hugged him tightly and kept patting his head as Vegas kept crying onto Pete's shoulder. Years of poignancy and desparately trying to suppress it had driven him to the edge and in the times of despair Pete seemed like his only hope.

After the crying session was over, Pete took out a napkin and wiped Vegas' face that was dripping wet and gave him water to hydrate himself.

After coming back to his senses, as soon as he realised how much he had cried, his face got serious and his hand grabbed the duvet in a stronghold.

POV Ends.

Pete's POV:

I saw his expressions changing to a gravely serious one as he clutched the blanket while looking down. It was a childhood habit of his to make a serious face as if he was constipated whenever he felt embarrassed about anything.

It was a surprise to see that the habit was still there but it was pleasant to see that a part of the little Vegas still had not left him.
The first time I had seen him make that face was when we were still in the same school. My eraser had accidentally fallen out of the window because of which I had to go to the small area behind the school building which mostly was filled with bushes and other overgrown grasses. Right as I was looking for the lost item, I heard a scream that made me rush in the direction of the loud noise. I reached the place as soon as I could only to find a guy taller than I was, looking like a senior freaking out while pointing at something.

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