Chapter 16

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Vegas had ordered their dinner to the room and fed Pete with his own hands while Pete was still sitting by his side, holding him tightly with his cheek kept on Vegas' shoulder.

After they were done, Vegas helped him to apply some pain-relieving medicines on his body as well as fed him the prescribed tablets to help him regain his health as soon as possible.

"Pete...what happened after you got taken away? Did you get to live a comparatively peaceful life there? Or were your days filled with anguish and pain?" He asked while looking into Pete's eyes with a gentle expression. He wanted to know about everything Pete had to go through, every single misery, every single instance.

Pete chuckled wryly to this "I don't remember getting a good night's sleep ever since I was forced to stay with phaw after turning five when grandma suddenly fell into a coma because of an illness. My days...were the same as always. I was threatened to not talk to anyone because they didn't want me again falling in love with anyone. Each of my activity, online or offline was strictly monitored. There was nothing I could do without Phaw getting informed about it. I was 15 when I tried to commit suicide for the first time, unfortunately though, he succeeded in having me saved. Even after that, I tried to kill myself for countless number of times but everytime I was saved in the most painful way possible. I even thought of killing everyone and running away, but after a point of time, you just lose your will to live, you become completely numb, you no longer care about anything happening to you. Killing him no longer seemed worth it to me afterall, I knew I would be also killed or worse, captured immediately after the incident and eventually started obeying whatever I was ordered. After a point, silently compromising feels safer and better than protesting. Even though the real person inside me never died, it became completely numb. I don't remember the exact details of everything I had to go through during my time there but all I remember is lying in the bathtub with the water stained in a faint blood red colour while aimlessly staring at the ceiling until someone eventually broke in and took me out to get me treated." Pete sighed while burying into Vegas' chest even more if it was in any way possible.

"You...can you...give me another chance? I know I don't deserve to ask for forgiveness after all the things I did, but can you not leave me yet?" Vegas gulped while asking. He did not want Pete to leave him thus was afraid of hearing his answer since he would have to let him go if it was what he wished.

"I can't forgive you immediately...but neither can I run away from you...a second chance? Maybe I can give it to you, but if you fail, I won't help to repair our relationship again. You know, you've always been my weakness, but I can't go back to living pretending as if nothing ever happened, it won't be fair to myself. So sure I guess I'll give you a second chance to restore our relationship that seem to have taken quite a hit in all these years." Pete said in a soft expression. While he was with Vegas, he had always been a fun person who could always give sensible advice and as Vegas truly regretted his actions,giving him a second chance was what seemed the right thing to do to him.
When they were still teenagers, they used to go to a lake not frequently visited by many, and sit together in silence while listening to nature's harmony.
They went there whenever Pete was sad, on the verge of breaking down and even though he had never exactly told Vegas, the reason, Vegas knew how much support he needed and without prying into the matter more against his wishes, complied to whatever he asked him to do whether be it just sitting in silence or treating him to any comfort food, all that ever mattered was that they were together in times of need. And both of them undoubtedly wanted to relive those moments of peace thus the possibility of getting to experience such moments of togetherness again had given both of them a new hope.

"You must be tired. Get some rest" Vegas said while stroking Pete's hair before rubbing Pete's cheeks with his thumb gently. It was around 3 in the morning but Vegas was still not sleepy in the slightest. Perhaps the fear of losing Pete again and the ecstacy of finally getting his lover back were working together to keep him wide awake.

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